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Blog/Best Practices to Improve Your Subscriber Experience

Best Practices to Improve Your Subscriber Experience

Anticipating exactly what your subscribers want is always a challenge — especially if you don’t have built-in testing functionality like Stay Ai’s.

Across the team here at Stay, we’ve worked with hundreds of subscription brands, and we’ve done a ton of experimentation. That’s why we’ve got perspective on some of the best practices to lean on as you continue to build and audit your subscriber experience.

We pulled together the 8 foundational best practices for subscription programs. Let’s dig in.

1. Make your website super user-friendly.

After your ads of course, your next big customer touchpoint is your website. It’s critical to reduce purchase friction with a simple, UX-optimized subscription buy box — and make sure it works just as well on mobile! Clean and intuitive design goes a long way. A few tips:

– Auto-default selection to your subscribe-and-save option
– Make it super clear how much customers can save on subscription
– Highlight a section on subscription program benefits

2. Be transparent, clear, and proactive with all messaging.

Confused customers turn into churn customers very quickly. Your subscribers need to understand your subscription terms, pricing, renewal frequency, and cancellation policy at a quick glance. Pro tips here:

– Create a dedicated section or page on your website for general subscription program information, terms, and FAQ. (This also helps reduce CX workload!)
– Use email & SMS to inform customers of upcoming charges, stock outages, and anything else important going on.
– Restate at checkout that customers are purchasing a subscription, and include messaging on how they can make changes to future orders.
– Send a post-purchase email notification linking directly to customer portal login right after checkout, so folks don’t get lost.

3. Give customers flexible, easy-to-manage subscription experiences.

If you can, let customers build their own subscriptions based on SKU and delivery cadence preferences. And after they’ve purchased, prevent customers from churning by allowing them to to make changes to their subscription or upcoming orders within minutes. Here’s how to make it happen:

– Work through your subscriber experience yourself, from the prospective of a customer, and see how many steps it takes you to complete commonly desired actions. Ideally, a customer should be able to get things done in a few clicks.
– Check out your customer portal, and make sure it’s easy to swap items, gift an upcoming order, change the upcoming order date, or pause a subscription. These are all critical actions for preventing churn.
– Send customers emails with Klaviyo Quick Actions for applying discount codes, adding items to an upcoming order, delaying orders, or getting orders even faster.
– Educate subscribers on the changes they’re able to make, and how they’re able to make them. Just having the buttons in your portal often isn’t enough. Onboarding sequences via email or SMS reminders are both great channels for communicating this info.

4. Continue to personalize the subscriber experience.

Make your VIPs feel seen as much as you can. The more personalized your communications and offer recommendations are, the easier it is to build customer loyalty and boost conversion rates. How to do it:

– Don’t just sling random product recommendations to your MVPs. Tailor product recommendations based on customer preferences and/or purchase history for better outcomes.
– When it comes to content marketing, make sure you’re segmenting your customer groups meaningfully, so you’re floating the right things at the right subscribers. Example: your beauty brand’s moisturizer-buying customers should not be getting emails about how to best use your gel nail polish.
– Make subscribers feel special. Target specific customer groups with unique discounts, offers, and free gifts to enhance their experience. Example: create a targeted email promotion for protein powder purchasing customers to add a pre-workout sample to their next order for a few dollars.

At the bare minimum, one simple way to personalize subscriber communications is to list the product(s) a customer will receive in their upcoming order email.

5. Ensure customer support is a breeze.

In 2022, Salesforce found that 80% of consumers will continue buying from a brand even after they make a mistake — but only if they receive excellent CS support to resolve the issue. One of your core goals as a DTC brand should be offering most frictionless path to solving customer concerns as possible. Some recommendations:

– No matter what tech stack you use, give your CX agents unified channel visibility, so they always have the full context/history on each customer.
– Connect your subscription app and your CX helpdesk. Then, empower CX agents to manage orders and make decisions around returns, discounts, etc. (Stay Ai integrates with Gorgias and ZenDesk for this reason).
– Avoid canned, lifeless messaging as much as possible. From a customer’s perspective, there’s nothing worse than being frustrated, and having to communicate with someone that feels like a robot.
– Consider offering your brand’s subscribers front-of-the-line treatment in the CX queue.

6. Keep engaging with customers after they purchase.

Don’t go ghost after your customers complete checkout. Building customer loyalty really happens after that charge goes through. Ideas:

– Keep subscribers updated from order fulfillment to doorstep by providing tracking information and order updates in real time.
– Segment customers and build email flows with ongoing product education, based on the product(s) or product line(s) they’ve purchased.
– Offer subscribers the opportunity to participate in a loyalty or referral program.
– Reward subscribers for following your brand on social media, or signing up for your SMS list.
– Add banners to your customer portal with product launch information, special deals, or anything exciting going on at your brand.

7. Test, review, and optimize. Treat subscription as a performance channel.

The biggest mistake we see in the subscription market? The “set it and forget it” mentality. Your subscription program should be tested and optimized, just like any other lever of your business. Some of the biggest wins we’ve seen have come from:

– Running buy box, banner, and pop up tests on web for subscription enrollment
– Tinkering with pricing, messaging, and product bundling to see what performs best
– A/B testing upsell or one-time purchase offers with your subscriber base
– Testing discounted product or free gift with purchase offers to proactively combat churn

8. Collect feedback and review it regularly.

Nudge customers to provide feedback. Reviews on your overall brand, individual products, and your CX experience are immeasurably valuable. But don’t let that feedback go to waste. Make sure you’re collecting these learnings effectively, so you can actually review and improve your products/service moving forward. A few examples:

– Implement a cancellation survey with selectable cancellation reasons to learn why subscribers are churning.
– Integrate a post-purchase survey to gather more information on your customers and their preferences, for deeper personalization opportunities.
– Add a post-CX NPS scoring process, so you can learn how to better serve your customers.

We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again. Loyalty and retention are long game plays – but it’s always better (and cheaper) to retain a valuable customer than acquire a new one.

Looking to boost your subscription retention rate, or provide a top-tier subscriber experience? Stay Ai’s out-of-the-box tools are designed to boost your subscription revenue, while delighting your VIP customers.


Supercharge Your Subscription & Retention Strategy with Stay AI

Blog/10 Strategies to Boost ROI & Reduce Churn on BFCM 2023

10 Strategies to Boost ROI & Reduce Churn on BFCM 2023

BFCM is a critical period for subscription brands, as balancing acquisition and retention can be tricky.

From our work both at Lunar Solar Group managing hundreds of ecommerce brands, to our experience here at Stay Ai, our team pulled together our top tips & tricks for your BFCM strategy.

Let’s dig in to how you can best acquire, retain, and delight your subscribers during the most wonderful time of the year.

Getting Started: Review 2022 Data for BFCM 2023

💡 Pro Tipbefore you start implementing your 2023 strategy, take a look at last year’s available BFCM data. Here’s why:

– If your juicy intro offer led to high acquisition, but same-day or first-month cancellations skyrocketed, maybe the juice wasn’t worth the squeeze.

– If you saw particularly high churn among existing subscribers, that’s a sign that this year, you should invest more into subscriber retention.

BFCM 2023: Reduce Subscriber Churn

Churn risk is high during BFCM, with subscribers starting their holiday shopping and looking for deals. Let’s look at 3 ways to save your subscribers from BFCM churn.

Call Out Subscriber-Exclusive Discounts
Don’t let your current subscribers get salty about missing the deals you’re giving first-timers. Offer subscribers a similar (or higher!) discount on their next order or on add-on products as an extra incentive to stay.


Last year, OLIPOP launched a banner ad in their customer portal highlighting an exclusive subscriber offer for Black Friday. After the promotional period, they saw an 8% reduction in churn, and a 13% increase in add-on revenue.

Launch Subscriber-Exclusive Offers
Through your customer portal, email, SMS, and website, promote subscriber-only exclusive offers. Limited edition products, BOGO deals, and add-on deals are especially effective. Be sure to tease these offers to your subscribers in advance to build excitement.

Super Coffee

Super Coffee launched a subscriber-exclusive Cyber Week Flash Sale in 2022. This deal allowed subscribers to add any two seasonal items to their cart for a BOGO deal.

Surely Wine

Surely Wine reserved their 2022 BFCM offers to subscribers only, leveraging the FOMO effect. From October through EOY, they saw 32% less churn. Even more awesome, their add-on revenue skyrocketed by 85% in November.

Offer Free Gifts with Purchase
BFCM is a perfect time to capitalize on freebies and surprises to boost subscriber engagement. Give subscribers a heads-up about their upcoming gift as an incentive to prevent churn.

BFCM 2023: Turning Shoppers Into New Subscribers

Highlight Special Intro Offers
If you know you’ve got a product customers love, a deeper discount on the first order can be a great way to boost subscriber count.

Beekeeper’s Naturals

Beekeeper’s Naturals sent a dedicated email highlighting their “best subscription deal of the year”, featuring 30% off new subscriptions and a free gift on the second order. During BFCM 2022, they saw 12% growth in first-time subscription revenue, as well as 53% growth in add-on revenue!

Build Your Messaging with Subscription in Mind
Start pushing subscription-related messaging across acquisition channels well in advance. Reinforce the value proposition(s) of your subscription program to shoppers via your website, social, email, and SMS. Additionally, if you offer products that show best results with consistent product use, reiterate that messaging and those benefits.

Entice Shoppers with Trial or Starter Kits
BFCM is a great time to launch special offers on pre-built bundles like starter or trial kits. Regardless of the season, these products often convert well for initial purchase, and with some workflow magic and/or dedicated email flows, can convert seamlessly into high-value subscriptions.


Tenzo offers Trial Kits year-round, and has set up a workflow in Stay to convert trial purchasers to subscribers down the line. They periodically highlight special offers on their trial kit, enabling customers to seamlessly test the product before falling in love.

Upsell One-Time Purchasers with 2+ Orders on Subscription:
This is an extremely valuable and easy-to-convert customer segment! Send a dedicated email flow or SMS message to customers who have purchased one or more products multiple times as one-time purchases, encouraging them to “upgrade” to subscription. Reinforce your subscription program benefits – especially that subscribe & save – and consider presenting a BFCM season specific intro offer for these subscribers. Free gifts with purchase, trial items, or bundle discounts are especially effective with this segment.

Add Winback Campaigns to Your BFCM Marketing Mix:
Offer prior subscribers a special discount to come back, a free gift with purchase, or a multi-month exclusive offer on subscriptions to encourage re-enrolling in your subscription program. If you have cancellation survey data to work off of, make sure to segment these customers meaningfully. For example, for your segment of customers to that cancelled to purchase in retail, highlight the value propositions of your digital subscription program to encourage them to buy online through 2024. Another example: for customers who had too much product, highlight how they can set up a subscription moving forward with their delivery cadence of choice.

Leverage Gifting to Boost AOV & Reach

Suggest Add-On Items as Gifts: Surface cool add-on items in your customer portal carousel, using your portal banner, or through email/SMS and nudge subscribers to purchase these items as gifts for others.

Highlight Prepaid, Fixed-Length Subscriptions: Fixed-length subscriptions are extremely popular gifts during the holidays! Consider sending a dedicated email campaign featuring “the gift that keeps on giving” – a subscription to a friend or family member’s favorite brand!

TLDR: The holiday season is a critical period for acquiring — and retaining — high value subscription customers. Ready to crush your Q4 with the only subscription tool powered by AI for maximum impact?


Supercharge Your Subscription & Retention Strategy with Stay AI

Blog/Why Stay AI is the Best Subscription App for High-Performing eCommerce Brands

Why Stay AI is the Best Subscription App for High-Performing eCommerce Brands

Say goodbye to all the headaches that come along with your legacy subscription management. Stay AI makes it easier to engage customers, drive AOV, and slash churn — all while providing a great experience on both the customer and the merchant side.

Let’s dig into the top five reasons why Stay Ai is your best choice against any legacy player in the market.

Find Out How Easy It Is to Switch to Stay AI Today.

Stay AI’s unique subscription management feature set enables brands like OLIPOP, Aura Bora, and more to maximize subscriber AOV & reduce churn. Our team of subscription and retention strategists are just one click away – book a chat with our team using the button below.

1. Stay Ai’s Transparent Pricing Policy

Transparency isn’t just a buzzword for us, it’s a foundational principle. We’re committed to being open about our pricing structure and helping every brand really understand the total cost of ownership.

Stay AI’s founders have been working with subscription brands for years, so they’ve seen firsthand the impacts of insidious subscription pricing strategy, ranging from confused and frustrated operators, to massive overage bills that fundamentally impact the company’s financial modeling.

Stay AI does it differently. Our pricing strategy is rooted in years of experience with real brands, plus direct feedback from merchants in the industry. We don’t believe you should be penalized for growing slower or faster than a revenue target. Our pricing is designed to scale with you.

2. Best-In-Class, Responsive, & Personal Support

Every minute counts when it comes to running your business, so there’s nothing worse than reaching out for support and being left on read. Our 24/7 technical support ensures you won’t lose out on revenue waiting for a response.

But we don’t stop there — we’re invested in your long-term success. That’s why we also offer white-glove migration from your current platform and a dedicated CSM to provide continued strategic support.

White Glove Migration
Whether it’s your subscription app or any other part of your tech stack, we understand why brands are wary of switching to new platforms. That’s why we provide white-glove support for your migration, making sure everything goes off without a hitch — for you and your subscribers.

Lifetime, Dedicated CSM
With Stay AI, you get a dedicated CSM to meet with you regularly about performance. We’re about more than just troubleshooting — we offer strategic support for your subscription acquisition and retention strategies.

3. Stay’s Customer Portal is the Most Intuitive & Highest Revenue Generating On-Market

Stay AI offers the most intuitive customer portal than any other subscription app on the market — that’s why so many others have tried to imitate it. But we keep moving the needle to optimize and refine, while others struggle to keep up.
With passwordless login and intuitive interface, your customers will find it easy to manage their own subscriptions. That cuts churn, keeps customers engaged, and drastically reduces your support tickets. Plus, features like customizable banner ads and an add-on carousel — all managed without messing with a line of code — help drive up AOV and LTV.

4. Stay AI’s Proprietary Experience Engine Offers Countless More Ways to Optimize Subscription Performance

Stay AI’s proprietary ExperienceEngine gives you more opportunities to turn your subscription program into a performance channel. With it, you can test optimizations across your entire program and get clear insights into what’s actually moving the needle.

Automated A/B testing of promotions like discounts and free gifts helps you proactively fight churn and reward your subscribers for their loyalty. The possibilities are nearly endless — and it’s all built for marketers to use without setting up a bunch of extra stuff you need your developers for.

5. Stay Ai’s RetentionEngine Offers Integrated Cancel Surveys and AI-powered Treatments to Maximize Retention and Prevent Subscriber Churn

Our innovative, out-of-the-box retention tools are designed to not only help you understand the underlying reasons behind churn, but also stop it in its tracks. Plus, our no-code cancel surveys track why your subscribers are canceling, then follow-up flows deliver churn deflections tailored to each subscriber’s cancel reason.
RetentionEngine enables you to use your own logic to set up responses, or take advantage of our advanced AI — primed to optimize and deliver the most effective results. Plus, we enable using video messages in those tailored follow-ups to make the experience feel even more personal for your customers.


Supercharge Your Subscription & Retention Strategy with Stay AI

Blog/Level Up Your Customer Service: Stay AI’s New agnoStack Integration Supports Zendesk

Level Up Your Customer Service: Stay AI’s New agnoStack Integration Supports Zendesk

To provide the highest level of customer support, you need to streamline backend operations for your customer support agents. Stay Ai’s integration with agnoStack delivers your customer support team the seamless efficiency they need to keep customer satisfaction at the forefront with fast, effective resolutions.

Stay Ai’s agnoStack Integration: Designed for Subscription Brands

The Stay Ai x agnoStack integration brings subscription order information right into Zendesk and allows agents to manage those orders without switching applications.

Support agents will have access to an Order Invoices tab, allowing them to view and manage recurring orders associated with subscription items purchased via Shopify through Stay Ai.

There they can directly access subscription order details and process refunds directly within agnoStack, unlocking the most robust subscription management capabilities within Zendesk to date.

The Benefits of the Stay Ai’s agnoStack Integration: ZenDesk Subscription Management

When your commerce and support platforms aren’t talking to each other, agents get stuck shuffling between various tabs and platforms to resolve customer issues.

Whether they’re looking for vital customer order information or managing an order per a customer request, that fragmented approach slows down service times and increases the chance for error — a less than ideal customer experience, to say the least.

With agnoStack, agents can see full customer order information, including subscriptions, right at their fingertips. This consolidated view enables agents to provide more efficient, effective, and personalized service to enhance customer satisfaction and the agent experience.

Up Your Customer Service Game with Stay Ai and agnoStack

When it comes to customer service, every second counts. By eliminating the need to toggle between multiple tabs and platforms, agents can focus on what matters most.

Ready to Maximize the Value of Your Subscription Program?

In addition to lessening the CX load, Stay Ai’s unique subscription management feature set enables brands like OLIPOP, Aura Bora, and more to maximize subscriber AOV & reduce churn. Our team of subscription and retention strategists are just one click away. Book a chat with our team using the button below.


Supercharge Your Subscription & Retention Strategy with Stay AI

Blog/17 RetentionEngine Examples to Slash Subscriber Churn

17 RetentionEngine Examples to Slash Subscriber Churn

No matter how compelling your subscription offer may be, you’ll always have some customers hitting the cancel button. That’s why Stay Ai’s RetentionEngFeature wpine, an AI-powered tool enabling personalized cancellation surveys and follow-up flows, can be such a valuable part of the subscription experience.

In another article, RetentionEngine founder Mat Moody shared his top tips for effective cancel surveys and flows. In this one, we’re showing how these top brands put those best practices to work. Let’s dig in.

Kettle & Fire

Kettle & Fire’s cancellation survey and follow-up treatments add an engaging splash of humor, adding a relatable, human touch — netting them an impressive 15% save rate.

Quick highlight: instead of just flagging “price” as the villain, they dive deeper. Splitting it into budgetary constraints and value perception helps them decode the root cause of cancellation intent.

The result? Smarter follow-ups and a better understanding of their customers.

They don’t stop with a great survey, though — their cancel treatments with attention-grabbing gifs are impossible to ignore.

This combined strategy minimizes immediate cancellations and the insight they need for future retention fire.


Olipop’s next-level cancellation treatments are tailored specifically to each cancel reason, weaving in a generous 30% discount offer while educating the customer about their products or suggesting a flavor swap. Engaging, on-brand graphics make the offers pop for an impressive save rate of 24%. 


Goli personalizes their cancel surveys with subscribers’ names to emphasize a personal touch. Resulting follow-up treatments align with the brand’s visual identity and offer enticing discounts, landing the brand a save rate of 13.2%.


Lifeboost is killing the retention game with a 38% save rate, showing how much they really get their customers. One example of what really works in their cancel flows: When subscribers indicate they’ve “switched to a different brand,” Lifeboost offers a discount alongside messaging that highlights their product’s value props.


Achieving a notable save rate of 20.2%, V-Dog’s cancel treatments are a genius combination of heartstrings and humor, minus the guilt trip (nobody likes that!). Their consistent branding throughout gives subscribers a familiar experience, complete with the playful pup graphics we all adore.


Sporting an 11% save rate, Obvi’s cancel surveys and flows do a lot of work in just a little time. The cancel treatment below gives customers a sense of care and encouragement and offers some product education driving home the perks of staying consistent. The discount offer as a finishing touch gives subscribers a strong reason to stick around.

Harmless Harvest

Harmless Harvest’s cancel flows are a masterclass in humanizing the brand-customer convo, helping them achieve a whopping 20% save rate. Their follow-up in response to price objections is spot-on:

  • The simple, “We’d love to make this work for you,” adds a genuine touch. 
  • Odd-numbered discounts like that 14% offer tend to be more eye-catching than your standard 15%. It feels personal, making it even more compelling. 
  • And don’t forget the gratitude. That heartfelt “thanks” goes a long way toward keeping customers’ brand sentiment positive.


Thesis, with a save rate of 11.6%, nails it with the personal touches in their cancel flows. The cancel survey page is personalized with the subscriber’s name and past order count. What could’ve been a mere transaction turns into a thoughtful interaction. Plus, you can tell they’ve been super thoughtful about their cancel reasons, showing their commitment to really understanding their customers.


MUD/WTR, crushing a 13% save rate, seamlessly merges customer insights and their signature brand flair. Their broad range of cancel reasons offers a vivid snapshot of changing customer needs. And the “cancellation confirmed” screen is a perfect mix of cheeky charm and essential info, preempting those common subscriber FAQs.

Schoolyard Snacks

This brand has an insane 22.2% save rate, so let’s look at what they’re doing right. Their cancel survey features a thoughtful selection of cancel reasons, paired with emojis for a dash of personality. Even better? Their tailored follow-up treatments. Customers don’t just feel heard — they get solutions that hit the mark.

Aura Bora

Aura Bora, rocking a 16% save rate, shows us the true meaning of adaptability in an omnichannel world. Subscribers prefer in-store? No problem! Instead of a hard sell, they offer to cover the cost of a can. It’s not just about the money. It’s a heartfelt nod to customer loyalty, no matter how they choose to buy.

Perfect Snacks

Perfect Snacks, with an incredible 17% save rate, shows just how effective simplicity can be. Perfect Snacks goes back to basics with just 4 follow-up treatments, leaning on clear, straightforward messages and simple but relevant solutions. A gentle nudge to brands: sometimes less is more.


Geologie has a save rate of 16%, brilliantly leaning on product education to curb cancels. The brand anticipates some skin irritation concerns and addresses them head-on. They use a follow-up treatment to provide education that alleviates immediate fears and connects customers to further support through the “Chat With Us” CTA.

Psychedelic Water

Psychedelic Water, boasting a 14% save rate, gets personal with a video touch from their CTO, Matt Warren. Picked “It’s Too Expensive” as a cancel reason? Matt breaks down the WHY behind the pricing, giving subscribers a clear view of the value they get. Plus, they sweeten the deal with a 10% discount, fusing personal touch, product education, and tangible perk. 


Momofuku, scoring an 11.4% save rate, masterfully blends product education with a dash of FOMO to boost retention. The follow-up treatment for subscribers lured by initial discounts doesn’t just talk savings — it spotlights the added value of sticking around (with a side of emotion). It’s not just about a deal; it’s about everything you’ll miss if you bail. 


Contributing to Dose’ 10.5% save rate is their commitment to making sure every subscriber feels like a valued part of the community. One example: the Dose Grant Program. For customers finding their wallets stretched too thin, they’re not just throwing a one-time discount — they’re making a real commitment to accessibility. They’ve also got a “Rush My Order” option for speedy deliveries.

Atlas Coffee

With a 17% save rate, Atlas Coffee makes clever use of FOMO messaging around rewards points. Remarkably, even when this FOMO-driven treatment is presented without any associated discount, it still manages to retain 18% of those exposed to it. It’s clear: the allure of missing out on benefits is a potent tool for loyalty.

TLDR: You don’t need to let subscriber churn crush your revenue.

RetentionEngine is a powerful tool that’s here to help. Just click Get Started below to chat with our team of subscription & retention experts.


Supercharge Your Subscription & Retention Strategy with Stay AI

Blog/How 10 Top eComm Brands Use ExperienceEngine to Enhance Their Subscription Programs

How 10 Top eComm Brands Use ExperienceEngine to Enhance Their Subscription Programs

Stay Ai’s ExperienceEngine is a powerful, new-to-market feature that can help you really differentiate your subscription programs — and decrease churn, boost AOV, expand product exposure, build brand affinity… you get the idea.

How? ExperienceEngine makes it easy to set up tests and promotions. And you don’t have to bury yourself in confusing spreadsheets to know whether a tactic moved the needle on your goal — the data’s all right there for you.

Let’s look at how 10 top brands are using ExperienceEngine to enhance their subscription offers and get better results.


Goal: Decrease subscriber churn and further incentivize retention.

Strategy: Set up a promotion in ExperienceEngine to deliver a one-click add-on offer to any subscriber without that flavor in their upcoming order, with the subscriber discount — giving customers another reason to stay subscribed.

Results: Reduced churn, increased add-on revenue, and more customers falling in love with new flavors.


Promo #1 | 85% Lift in Conversion
Goal: Reduce churn at key points in the subscriber lifecycle to extend LTV

Strategy: Target strategic points in the subscription journey and determine if a free gift would impact churn. With ExperienceEngine, they implemented a “free GWP vs no gift” test on orders number 2, 3, and 4.

Results: Customers on order 2 who knew a free gift was on the way? Converted 85% higher than those without the gift offer. (And yes, order 2 was the clear winner vs 3 and 4, also!)

The Obvi team are power users of ExperienceEngine at this point, so we’re going to show you one more test they did — because it also demonstrates a really important point!

Promo #2 | AOV Boost
 Identify the right percent discount to maximize subscriber AOV and the business’ bottom line.

Strategy: Use ExperienceEngine to A/B test the ACV gummy upsell offer at 30% off vs. 50%.

Results: The take rate was just fractions of a percentage point difference. There’s an important lesson here — you don’t always have to give a deep discount to get your customers’ attention. And that it’s always worth an A/B test!

Aura Bora

Goal: Keep customers really engaged with the brand and reward them for loyalty.

Strategy: Use ExperienceEngine to deliver surprise and delight freebies — like branded bandannas, koozies, and more — at regular intervals in the subscription lifecycle, acting like a little loyalty program for subscribers.

Results: â€œFor those that got that offer, retention went through the roof. Reaching certain subscription milestones was the only way that you get these exclusive items,” said Cameron Faist, Aura Bora’s VP of Growth.


Goal: Increase add-on revenue and extend product reach.

Strategy: Use ExperienceEngine to run an A/B test comparing two different upsell offers — pumpkin vs espresso — to see which would be the most effective in generating add-on revenue.

Results: The espresso gift ended up with a 45% higher acceptance rate, leading to more than 2x more additional revenue.


Goal: Reduce churn at a strategic point in the subscriber lifecycle.

Strategy: With ExperienceEngine, offer a free trio pack on every third order to keep subscribers engaged and incentivizing loyalty.

Results: “The initial information for us shows that this has helped retention numbers immensely. We are seeing little to no drop-off from the second subscription order to the third one.” — Daniel Okon

Funk It Wellness

Goal: â€œWe’re trying to make our DTC ordering experience as fun as possible, so we really like using the gifting opportunities to increase retention,” said Kate Morton, founder of Funk It Wellness.

Strategy: Test a free gift on order 4 to find out if it reduces churn.

Results: It’s still early days for this test for Funk It, but early results are showing a slightly higher retention rate among free gift recipients. Overall, since switching to Stay, Funk It has reduced churn by 22% and increased subscription revenue by 44% in 150 days.


Goal: Keep customers engaged to reduce churn.

Strategy: Offer a free GWP on subscribers’ second orders. For free gifts the brand chooses useful items that will help keep the brand top of mind and increase affinity — in this case, a free tea storage container.

Results: Recipients of the free gift on order 2 showed a 31% higher conversion on that order than subscribers who did not receive the free gift.

Clevr Blends

Goal: Increase 2nd-order retention and product reach.

Strategy: Test a free gift of a complementary product on order 2, to find out if it has a measurable impact on retention.

Results: Results showed a 50% higher 2nd-order conversion in the cohort that received the free gift offer versus those who did not.


Goal: Find out what types of free gifts resonate better with customers in terms of churn reduction.

Strategy: Use a straightforward A/B test in ExperienceEngine splitting the offer down the middle to see which product would get the best response.

Results: Found based on the results that the cohort receiving the straws as a free gift showed a 29% higher conversion rate on that order than the cohort that received a shaker.


Goal: Increase 2nd-order retention and further incentivize subscribers.

Strategy: Test Tamari as a free gift-with-purchase compared to a control group who did not receive a GWP.

Results: The cohort receiving the free gift had a 28% higher conversion rate on order 2 than those who didn’t get the gift.

ExperienceEngine isn’t just a feature — it’s really a paradigm shift in how brands structure and manage their subscription programs. These twelve brands’ successes just go to show how thoughtfully crafted promotions and data-driven testing can orchestrate an unparalleled shopping experience, ensuring enduring customer loyalty.


Supercharge Your Subscription & Retention Strategy with Stay AI

Blog/Stay AI’s Merchant-Focused Approach to Pricing

Stay AI’s Merchant-Focused Approach to Pricing

Stay Ai: Designed to Help You Grow Your Business

When we sat down to develop Stay Ai’s pricing strategy, we had two core goals in mind – to be transparent and merchant-forward — not give busy business owners another puzzle to solve.

Having worked with subscription ecommerce brands for years, we’ve seen the impacts of insidious subscription pricing strategy, ranging from confused and frustrated operators, to massive overage bills that fundamentally impact the company’s financial modeling. We were determined not to be one of those companies, because when our merchants grow, we grow.

Stay exists to help our merchants grow their subscription businesses. That’s our business.

In an effort to continue bringing the level of candid authenticity we pride ourselves on, we wanted to share a bit about the core principles that drive our pricing strategy, why we developed them, and honestly – just give brands some pro tips on what to look out for as they evaluate their current & future subscription provider(s).

Let’s dive in.

Your Feedback Shapes Our Strategy

Our pricing strategy is rooted in our years of experience working with brands, plus direct feedback from merchants in the industry. 

We’re building trusted partnerships by listening and adapting to the needs and challenges you face every day, and keeping those continuous feedback loops open. 

We Grow When You Grow

Scale without the stress. You shouldn’t be penalized for growing slower or faster than a revenue target, and your ambition shouldn’t be bound by a forecast set in stone months ago. We want you to grow. 

We’ve designed our pricing to scale with you. No growth barriers, no hurdles — just a seamless, transparent partnership.

Transparency: The Key to Building Trust

Transparency isn’t just a buzzword for us, it’s a foundational principle. Hidden fees and unexpected charges undermine trust and erode partnerships. 

No cloak and dagger, no fine-print traps… We’re committed to being open about our pricing structure and helping every brand really understand the total cost of ownership. 

Things to Look Out For in Your Subscription Partner

Locked-in fees based on forecasts:
Some subscription providers lock you into a contract based on your expected ARR. So if you forecast an ARR of $10mm, you’ll get locked in at a flat rate based on those numbers. But if something happens in your business and your subscription performance isn’t as high as you expected, you’ll still be on the hook at that contracted amount, which means you’re overpaying for what you’re actually using.

Overage charges for exceeding forecasts:
Those same fixed-rate contracts penalize you for exceeding your forecasts, too. If you go over your expected usage, you’ll get a big bill at the end of your contract for that — not at your negotiated rate, but at their standard pricing, leaving you with a huge, unexpected bill.

Customer support SLAs:
It’s critical to know in advance if your provider’s customer support team will be there when you need them. Check out any contract terms that denote how much support you can expect from CS, how long they have to respond to your inquiries, and what they cover with support versus don’t. Each subscription platform has different terms here, and not everyone gets the same level of service.

Why? Because It’s More Than Just Business

Our pricing approach isn’t just about numbers. It’s about building a trusted partnership with every brand we work with, and reaching shared goals. Hidden surprises? Just not our thing. The heart of our pricing playbook is transparency, scalability, and your success.


Supercharge Your Subscription & Retention Strategy with Stay AI

Blog/Leveraging Post-Purchase Surveys to Optimize Your Subscription Program

Leveraging Post-Purchase Surveys to Optimize Your Subscription Program

Attribution is one of the most contentious topics in marketing today. Plenty of tools have tried to solve for it, but ultimately one of the most effective ways to find out how someone ended up on your store is just to ask them. That’s where the post-purchase survey comes in.

But these surveys can tell you way more than where shoppers came from. With the right strategy, you can find out any number of things that could be impactful to your business, from how you acquire customers and how to keep them, to how long they considered the purchase before clicking Buy. 

There are a few ways PPS can be particularly helpful for subscription-focused brands. We sat down with Jeremiah Prummer, CEO of KnoCommerce, to get some of his expert insight on using post purchase surveys to boost your subscription program.

Q: Thanks for hanging out with the Stay team today, Jeremiah! Let’s start out with a question you probably answer all the time: What’s so valuable about a post-purchase survey? 

Jeremiah: Of course! Post-purchase surveys give customers the ability to tell you things like:
– Why customers purchased
– What made them want to buy
– Where they remember discovering your brand

So they can be really valuable in determining what’s actually driving initial awareness. Then, understanding why people buy makes it easier to resonate with the right customers. 

Q: So, are post-purchase surveys solving the attribution problem? 

Jeremiah: They can certainly help. The reality is, tracking discovery is extremely challenging. Think about what happens when someone sees your ad: What are they doing? What’s the psychology behind that? 

On a platform like TikTok or YouTube, they’re in entertainment mode. They’re probably not going to stop what they’re doing to click on your ad and go buy something. Without PPS, your attribution data will often miss a lot of the value these top-of-funnel channels actually bring. 

Q: Can you give a few examples of how to use post-purchase surveys in subscription specifically? 

Jeremiah: Totally. One simple one: product research. Your subscribers are regular purchasers. They obviously like your products. These buyers could be great targets for questions around what other types of products they might like to see from you. 

Another one: subscriber motivation. If it’s a first-time customer with a subscription order, you might ask them why they decided to subscribe. (You could also survey customers who didn’t subscribe, to find out why and then potentially push them towards subscription later.)

Third, offer optimization. If a subscriber is on order 3 and that’s a common churn point, find out how they’re feeling and if they’re getting what they need. You might find people are running out too soon, or that they have too much and you need to change delivery cadence.

Finally, you can splice the data to see differences between types of buyers, like comparing trends in discovery channel or purchase motivation between subscribers and one-off purchasers. For example, if you see that your longest tenured subscribers primarily come through organic, you probably won’t want to spend money on Google ads to push your subscription offer.

Q: Kno has grown super fast, so you’ve worked with a ton of brands already on this. What are the things you most frequently see brands get wrong when they’re setting up their post-purchase surveys?

Jeremiah: Typically, it comes down to either not sticking with survey questions long enough to see trends over time, or sticking with the same survey questions for too long. 

Q: OK, that sounds really contradictory! Say more about that.

Jeremiah: Yeah, and that’s because it depends on what you’re actually looking for. If you want to understand in aggregate how your customers are discovering you, you want to ask the same question every time in a standardized way, because you’re looking for variances in that data.

On the other hand, if you want to understand why somebody is buying your product, you actually do want to change that question regularly. It’s nuanced, but the goal of the question is to dig deeper into the motivations and angles you might be missing. 

If people are buying because they saw it on TV, you might want to dive deeper to figure out if it was a commercial or a product placement, or what channel they saw it on.

Q: So you would do that through follow-up questions, correct?

Jeremiah: Yeah, and we do find a lot of people only want to ask one question. But while you don’t want to ask too many questions, we find that people are actually super willing to answer more questions if they’re relevant. People are more willing to give you that data if you’re giving them something meaningful.

Q: Makes sense. Let’s talk about how to ask the questions, because the actual wording can be so impactful. What should brands know about this?

Jeremiah: Start with understanding what you’re trying to uncover, so you can be more specific in how you ask. In an attribution survey, you should be trying to uncover initial discovery.

You may also want to find out what actually made them buy today, and how long that journey was from discovery to purchase. But if you just ask ‘How did you hear about us?’ it doesn’t answer any of those questions.

Q: And then, what about in the answer options you provide? Does that requirement for specificity carry over? 

Jeremiah: Not necessarily — it’s more important to narrow down your answer options, because too many can be overwhelming.

So for example, when you’re asking ‘How did you first hear about us?’ you wouldn’t include your email list as an option. Even if you want to know the impact of your email list, email is not actually a discovery point. 

You also wouldn’t put items that are too alike, like Instagram feed and Instagram post and Instagram influencer. Just put Instagram, or just put Facebook. Make it really limited. Then you ask additional questions based on the response, so if somebody says Instagram you can ask ‘Who posted about us?’ to dive deeper.

Q: This has been super valuable, Jeremiah. Any final words to leave us with?

Jeremiah: Just that, you know, the cost to acquire a customer has gone up so much. That makes the retention piece so important. There’s a massive opportunity there to be able to generate revenue over time, especially when you have products people might want to rebuy every month or so. 

And so while a lot of people think about using PPS to understand acquisition and attribution, there are a lot more use cases and things you can learn if you set up your program right. 

You can find Jeremiah Prummer on LinkedIn and Twitter, or visit the KnoCommerce website to learn more about post purchase surveys and how Kno can help.


Supercharge Your Subscription & Retention Strategy with Stay AI

Blog/17 Eye-Catching Customer Portals That Boost the Subscriber Experience

17 Eye-Catching Customer Portals That Boost the Subscriber Experience

Compared to other popular subscription management apps, Stay Ai’s out-of-the-box customer portal isn’t just easier to sign into and use — it offers a lot more options for cross-sells, upsells, and actions other than cancellation (skip, swap, delay, etc.).

This portal enables your customers to take complete control over their subscriptions, without having to contact your support team. This also expands the reach of other products in your catalog, and makes it a whole lot easier for them to purchase, too.

In this article you’ll see how 17 brands leverage Stay Ai’s customer portal and really make it their own, with in-portal banners, consistent branding, and a high-visibility upsell carousel.

1) Aura Bora

What’s unique: Aura Bora’s Flavor of the Month club is one of their most popular subscription offers, giving customers a chance to try new, limited-time flavors before anyone else. The team leverages in-portal banner ads to alert subscribers of their featured flavor, and encourage them to add it on to their upcoming order.

2) Lifeboost

What’s unique: Lifeboost makes great use of in-portal banner ads, encouraging cross-sells. They feature new products, “complete routine sets”, and special offers in their banner ads.

3) Bright Cellars

What’s unique: Bright Cellars uses their portal to showcase a different wine offering each month. Customers look forward to checking their portal every month to see the featured blend – and Bright Cellars benefits from the add-on revenue, too!

4) Curie

What’s unique: We love the way Curie uses in-portal banner ads like these to announce the launch of a new products. They masterfully make great use of the real estate, including eye-catching visuals and clear value propositions (such as “Our innovative component uses 60% less plastic than traditional mini stick packaging”) to preempt objections related to environmental impact.


What’s unique: OLIPOP features products in their add-on carousel and uses the in-portal banner to make a big splash every time they’ve got exciting new launches — from individual new flavors to the new variety packs, as seen here.

In the first month after launching their Crisp Apple flavor, subscription add-ons accounted for 30% of its sales. Read more about OLIPOP’s

6) A Pup Above

What’s unique: A Pup Above always has a bright, exciting portal experience, capturing their playful and pup-loving brand identity perfectly. They also make great use of in-portal banner ads to highlight new product drops subscribers may not have seen yet.

7) Tenzo

What’s unique: Tenzo truly exemplifies how to make exciting and eye-catching banner ads. They leverage banners to build hype for upcoming products, and create more engagement with subscribers by encouraging VIP list sign-up.

8) Mint & Lilly

What’s unique: Mint & Lilly highlights their subscription value propositions in their customer portal by highlighting “Member Exclusives”. Their banner ad calls further attention to their in-portal product carousel, which offers subscribers additional discounts on add-on items.

9) Proper Good

What’s unique: We love the way Proper Good uses their in-portal banner to showcase new products. Even better, subscribers have the option to add one of these products on a recurring basis or just once, to try it — all with their exclusive subscription discount.

10) Perfect Snacks

What’s unique: Perfect Snacks is constantly dropping new snack flavors – and for busy families or entrepreneurs, it’s easy to miss a drop. The team launches banner ads in subscriber portals to give a gentle nudge to add on those seasonal flavors, while keeping it fun and simultaneously highlighting product features.

11) Grinds

What’s unique: Grinds recently brought back a seasonal customer-favorite flavor, and they’ve updated their customer portal to share the good news! In-portal banners are a great way to let your subscribers know that an old favorite — whether it’s a product or flavor — is back in stock. We also love the bold and bright design to get customers’ attention.

12) Clevr

What’s unique: Stated simply, Clevr has absolutely tricked out their customer portal. In addition to pulling each of their branding elements through the interfact, they also leverage banner ad space to share some of the most beautiful product photography we’ve ever seen – all while overlaying that subscriber discount as a reminder!

13) Flewd

What’s unique: We had to mentioned Flewd in here, because we absolutely love their “Get it now” CTA button. The dynamic pop-out style design is not only on-brand, but super eye-catching, too!

14) Harmless Harvest

What’s unique: Harmless Harvest leverages their in-portal ad banner space to encourage subscribers to join their loyalty program. This is a great way to build customer affinity, and boost retention along the way.

15) Magic Spoon

What’s unique: Magic Spoon has fully branded their subscriber portal, and absolutely maximizes on their Portal Banner real estate. The team regularly swaps out the portal banner, featuring new product releases, seasonal flavors, and unique deals.

16) Manukora

What’s unique: Manukora leverages their in-portal banners to encourage a cross-sell up to travel size versions of their best selling products. They masterfully pitch the add-on as a way for customers to build a complete routine.

17) Portland Pet Food Co

What’s unique: This one is so simple, yet so effective! Portland Pet Food Co reinforces their subscription program value prop – 10% off list prices always – in plain text right next to core customer action buttons. Super effective for retention!


Supercharge Your Subscription & Retention Strategy with Stay AI

Blog/5 Ways to Optimize Your Subscription Program

5 Ways to Optimize Your Subscription Program

To run a successful subscription program, you have to be prepared for continuous optimization and strategic implementation.

Wrapping Up

The ultimate goal is not just to attract subscribers, but to build lasting relationships driving customer loyalty and advocacy. By implementing these five tactics, you can optimize and elevate your subscription program to increase revenue and reduce churn. 

Looking to turn your subscription program into a performance channel?

Let’s look at five powerful tactics to optimize your subscription program and boost customer retention.

1) Call Out Subscription Savings on Your Buy Box

Using cross-outs over the original price and displaying the subscription price has been proven to help with subscribe-and-save conversion. Customers are most likely to commit to a subscription when they can see they’re really getting a good deal.

Featured: Moon Juice’s SuperHair PDP
By displaying the original price with a cross-out and showcasing the new discounted price, you anchor the customer’s perception of the product’s value. The discounted price becomes the reference point, making the offer more attractive and enticing.

2) Add a Subscription Upsell Button in Your Shopping Cart that Highlights Savings

Incorporating a subscription upsell button in the shopping cart can help nudge more customers to subscriptions. We’ve also seen that, when the savings is over $3, showcasing the dollar amount they’ll save instead of the percentage can sometimes drive higher conversion.

Featured: First Day’s cart
Displaying the exact dollar amount of savings (e.g., $5 off vs. 20% off) utilizes psychological pricing strategies. Consumers tend to respond positively to specific numbers, as they appear more concrete and tangible. The specific dollar amount here reinforces the idea of tangible savings, making the offer more appealing.

3) Show Add-On Options Front & Center in Your Customer Portal

Encourage customers to explore additional products and customize their subscriptions by placing add on products front and center in the portal. Stores with upsell carousels have reported increased add-on and swap usage, as well as a reduction in skips.

Featured: Clevr’s Subscriber Customer Portal
Presenting add-ons in an easily visible and accessible way nudges customers toward consideration and increases the likelihood of conversion. Like the items for sale in the checkout line of a grocery store, add-on products in the customer portal are strategically placed to capitalize on customers’ tendencies to make last-minute purchase decisions.

4) Enable Partial Out of Stock Fulfillment

Don’t let a single out-of-stock item hold up the entire subscription. Optimize fulfillment by setting up partial OOS fulfillment, allowing customers to receive the available items while waiting for the rest to come back in stock. Minimizing delays with partial fulfillment reduces some of customers’ wait time and frustration, since they don’t have to wait for the whole order to be restocked before receiving already-available items.

Featured: Dose’s Out of Stock email notification & Stay Ai’s settings
This has been shown to reduce churn by helping to maintain customer trust and satisfaction — and it’s better for efficient inventory management, too. You can always adjust the settings to require a minimum order value to make sure partial OOS fulfillment is both practical and cost-effective for your business.

5) Set Up a Canceled Subscription Flow in Klaviyo

When a customer cancels their subscription, it doesn’t mean it’s the end of the road. Set up a canceled subscription reactivation flow in Klaviyo to win back these customers.
Featured: Stay Ai’s Klaviyo Quick Actions URL Builder
Send reactivation emails at intervals of 30, 60, and 90 days after cancellation, reminding customers of the benefits they enjoyed with your product and the subscription program. Include compelling content and quick action reactivation links that enable customers to reactivate in just two clicks.


Supercharge Your Subscription & Retention Strategy with Stay AI