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Blog/How to Get Your First 1,000 Subscribers

How to Get Your First 1,000 Subscribers

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The early days of launching a business or introducing a subscription plan are some of the most exciting– and the most critical. You’re literally building the foundation for your brand, so you want to hit the ground running and bring in customers in a smart, scalable way. Having a specific milestone to work toward can help you stay focused and motivated, so here is your guide to getting your first 1,000 subscribers!

Fine-Tune Your Offering

Acquiring your first 1,000 subscribers is all about finding the right product/market fit and really dialing in your subscription offering. Here are some of the areas you should look at:

Structure: The structure of your subscription offering makes a big difference in securing consumer buy-in. How do your customers respond to different price points, products, and bundles? What’s the ideal structure for your target audience?

Usage Rate: Understanding the usage rate for your products is key to a successful subscription model. How much of a product does someone need for a given time period? When will they need another order? Answering these questions will help you understand the ideal order velocity. You can then fine-tune your customers’ options for scheduling their orders on the Stay Ai platform so your brand fits as seamlessly into their lives as possible.

Entry Offers: When done well, entry offers are a great way to pick up new subscribers. The key is finding the promotional offering that will have the biggest impact. Whether it’s free shipping, a percentage off, or a lower-priced trial, different audiences will respond to different offerings, so it’s important to understand what your demographic will enjoy most. Run a few tests to see what drives the most engagement.

Messaging: Every audience is unique. What marketing messaging really resonates with your audience? What product value propositions and brand positioning are impactful?

Targeting: Understanding who you want to target and why will help guide your marketing strategy. Who are your ideal early adopters? How will you target them? How does changing the targeting criteria in a paid ads platform impact a cohort? 

Friction Points: Figuring out the issues that prevent people from converting is vital. Is it the site experience, the price, the shipping, or another factor? How can you address those friction points to make the experience more streamlined?

Establish a Marketing Strategy

If you already have an established ecommerce business and are now working on adding a subscription option, you may think all you have to do is throw a subscription plan into the mix and people will flock to it. But while you’ll undoubtedly gain some subscribers just by launching the service on product pages, brands that have a marketing strategy to drive subscriptions are the most successful. For example, using unique landing pages that help steer new traffic down funnels that are specifically designed to convert them into subscriptions can make a big difference. Rather than passively hoping people will see your subscription program, be active and market your offering specifically.

Consider Your Channels

To acquire new subscribers, we recommend starting with one channel and mastering it before adding more to your marketing mix. That way, you can really dial in rather than trying to balance a complex strategy all at once. Facebook and Instagram make it easy to control your traffic by optimizing your audience. Influencers can also be a great acquisition channel once you’ve established a strong subscription offering. Just utilizing Facebook ads with rapid content testing, landing pages, and strong email/SMS automations customized through Stay Ai, you can build up to a significant monthly revenue. Then, when you’re ready to scale, you can start pulling other levers.

Analyze Data

As you kick off your subscription offering, we recommend paying much of your attention to optimizing your offer. You still want to look at acquisition cost, churn rate (when it becomes relevant), and other metrics, but the most important thing is to dial in your offer and who you’re creating it for. Provided you aren’t hemorrhaging money in order to bring people in, it’s okay to focus on really nailing your offering.

That said, looking at data across each cohort (by timeframe or by product, depending on the KPI) will help you understand how making adjustments to your marketing mix impacts your KPIs. Create an SOP around your data analysis so you can quickly identify trends and change course effectively and efficiently.

In addition to your ad-specific data, your Stay Ai dashboard will offer key data insights to help you understand how your efforts are performing. You can select the timeframe you want and then see metrics including new subscriptions, revenue, churn, AOV, and average products per order. This will make it easy to see how things change over time so you can focus your energy on the strategies that are working and adjust the ones that aren’t performing as well.

Get Your Products Out There

People who already know and love your products are one thing, but for people who are interacting with your brand for the first time, the idea of setting up a recurring order can be a big ask. If you aren’t getting the traction you’d like on your core subscription offering, it may be worth testing a sample program. Using “just pay shipping” offers, you can introduce people to your products in a way that brings them back for more. Once they’ve had an experience with your product, you can then guide them to your subscription program.

Next Steps

Once you start getting close to 1,000 subscribers, it’s time to start thinking about what it will take to scale up to 10,000 subscribers. Start creating strong SOPs around your customer service and churn analysis so you’re prepared for the influx of new subscribers once you scale up.


Supercharge Your Subscription & Retention Strategy with Stay AI

Blog/Why Cobranded Landing Pages Matter

Why Cobranded Landing Pages Matter


Contributed by Anders Bill at Superfiliate

Superfiliate empowers brands to run end-to-end affiliate, influencer, and referral programs, turning every link shared by a creator into a cobranded landing page.

Stop leaving money on the table. 

Anders: Let’s start with why… why you should leverage cobranded landing pages is simple, you will drive more revenue from your influencers, affiliates, and customers. In other words… you are leaving money on the table without them. How cobranded landing pages drive more revenue breaks up into two categories:

(1) Conversion Rate Optimization

(2) Deepened Sense of Partnership

Conversion Rate Increases When Leveraging Cobranded Landing Pages With:

Personalization: Every customer who hits a cobranded landing page is greeted with the ultimate form of social proof. These pieces of social proof include a Superfiliate’s video content, photo, name, and personalized review. The Superfiliate who shared their landing page is still the most important part of a customer’s buying decision. Layering in authentic cobranded content is what drives a customer to buy. Instead of generic videos showing the product, it’s the Superfiliate’s video that will push the shopper to convert; instead of random customer reviews, it’s the Superfiliate’s review that holds the most weight for the shopper.

Curation: Decision fatigue is at the root of so many abandoned carts and massively hurts conversion, even when there are limited product options to choose from. That’s why every Superfiliate cobranded landing page turns a traditional shop all or product page into a curated product feed. This deepens the sense of trust from the end shopper who looks to this Superfiliate as a curator of top-quality products. The brand and the creator can control this curation across all Superfiliate pages. Some of our merchants have seen a lift of 25%+ from just adding this curation component.

Reduced Number of Clicks: The majority of word-of-mouth traffic comes directly from social media or an SMS platform like iMessage or WhatsApp. The attention span of this ecommerce traffic is exceedingly low as it’s competing with the most dopamine-fueled content. With that in mind, your front-end strategy needs to be both highly engaging and easy to navigate. With high-quality Superfiliate content and curation, most shoppers will find that they don’t need to navigate to shop all, collections or specific product pages. They have everything they need to go from product discovery to conversion. See our funnel below.

Deepened Sense of Partnership

Increase the Propensity to Share: Let’s face it, it’s nice to be recognized. In a world of ‘pay per post’, influencer and customer relationships have become overly transactional. This also reflects directly into the quality of content you as the brand receive from a customer or creator and in turn, how their audience feels when they watch a piece of content. The word ‘authenticity’ gets thrown around in these types of partnerships but building a cobranded experience actually allows you to live up to that promise. Instead of giving a creator a transactional link or code, the language shifts to, “We’re so excited to work with you that we built you this landing page on our website to showcase our partnership.” We have seen this be extremely effective when communicating with customers and creators. It makes them feel valued and deepens their sense of partnership. In turn, we’ve found that Superfiliates who are activated in this way have a much higher propensity to share their page with their audience. The experience goes from getting their followers to buy something to announcing a long-term partnership with your brand.

Net Creator Retention: Increasing the propensity of a Superfiliate to share their page not only drives more sales, it also increases the longevity of the partnership. The most effective brands on Superfiliate are focused on ‘Net Creator Retention’, aka over the course of a year, how many creators they continue to work with. This lessens the burden of constantly discovering new creators and creates a lasting relationship with the creator’s audience. I think one of the least discussed points in creator marketing is that shoppers may not be convinced to buy until the 4th or 5th post. That’s why you should try to turn any ‘pay per post’ relationship into a long-term partner. Not to mention, if you’ve selected the right partners, their audiences will continue to grow over time, giving you a constantly growing base of new shoppers. We think these trends are here to stay and that cobranded landing pages will become a standard across the industry.

Real Results, Meaningful Revenue: Equip’s Success Story 

Anders: Let’s talk about real results. One of our clients, Equip, tested our cobranded landing pages vs their traditional affiliate links… the result was a 30-35% increase in conversion rate. To go deeper, 32% of all traffic added an item to the cart and over 19% of traffic began checkout. Cobranded landing pages drive $10,000+ of additional revenue every month and have now become a standard for their top creators, some of which have generated over $75,000 in just the last 30 days. For Equip, cobranded landing pages have maximized Average Order Value (AOV), Return on Investment (ROI), and Lifetime Value (LTV) on every creator post. They’re not leaving money on the table anymore – they’re capturing every bit of revenue and treating influencers like true partners of the brand!

Major shoutout to Anders Bill & the team at Superfiliate!

To learn more about Superfiliate, you can [check out their website here].


Supercharge Your Subscription & Retention Strategy with Stay AI

Blog/Tiffin Q&A: Bridging the Attribution Gap with Effortless In-Store Offers

Tiffin Q&A: Bridging the Attribution Gap with Effortless In-Store Offers

Q&A with Tiffin from Aisle

Aisle allows brands to turn any marketing channel into an attributable, verified in-store purchase when customers text a photo of their in-store receipt to Aisle and receive a cashback reward within 24 hours. Brands can also leverage Aisle to retarget submitted customers with additional redemption reminders, winback flows, and more.

Tiffin, CEO and Founder of Aisle, sat down with our team to share his insights on how DTC brands can bridge the data attribution gap between DTC and retail. Let’s dive in.

Q: Thanks for chatting with us today, Tiffin! We’re stoked to hear more about what you and the Aisle team are up to. I’d love to know, what inspired you to create Aisle?

Tiffin: My boss back at Super Coffee would say ’Tiffin, you’re spending all this money on ads and you can’t tell me who’s buying in-store?’ After hearing that every day for two years you’re like, I’ve gotta solve this problem. We had no idea who our in-store shoppers were, we had no idea why they were buying, and most importantly, we didn’t know how to get them to rebuy. And if you think about all the tools that existed, all the cashback apps that tried to solve the problem of how to activate someone in-store, they didn’t work for two reasons. The first was user friction, and the second was that all of the current solutions weren’t built by people in the [ecomm] space. There’s no customer empathy.

Q: For brands that have traditionally kept their DTC and retail channels separate, why should these omnichannel players care about creating a bridge between the two in their overall strategy?

Tiffin: A lot of people will give you a much sexier answer and use lots more buzzwords, but very simply it’s because you can sell more units. I avoid using words like “connecting the online shopper and in-store shopper” or “omnichannel attribution” because at the end of the day, what matters is providing these brands an opportunity to sell more in-store because it’s going to be their retail and units per store per week that get them acquired. 

Aisle allows brands to turn any marketing channel into an attributable, verified in-store purchase when customers text a photo of their in-store receipt to Aisle and receive a cashback reward within 24 hours.

Explore Aisle’s Features

Q: Do you think a direct-to-consumer brand must have a retail presence to get acquired or to have a competitive edge, then?

Tiffin: I’m going to speak to what I know. When I was at Super Coffee, DTC was a nice accelerator and made revenue bigger, but at the end of the day, the questions we were being asked were ‘Did you sell in Walmart? Target? Sprouts? Did you sell in Middle America?’. DTC brands will win on the coasts, LA, NYC, but can you sell to Karen in Wisconsin who goes to church every Sunday? If she’s buying her stuff in-store and she’s buying your product, you have a much better chance. Look at Essentia Water which got acquired by Nestlé – they didn’t get bought because Patrick Mahomes talked about it on their Instagram. It’s because of the crazy volume they were moving at retail.

I’m the biggest believer in DTC, but ultimately, if you’re a consumable, you’ve gotta get into the big box retailers.

Q: Hypothetical: Let’s say your brand boosts spending on Facebook Ads, and you see a low ROI on the platform but a spike in retail purchases at the same time. On one hand, you could assume there’s some cause/effect relationship there, but at the same time there could be any number of other factors at play, like if there was a shift in end-cap displays or the sales team had a big week. With so many attribution factors to consider, how can brands develop a cross-DTC-and-retail attribution strategy that doesn’t rely too heavily on assumptions? 

Tiffin: Good question. For us on the DTC side, it’s very easy to point to something and attribute it, like changing a button on a PDP and then it converts better. But think about you as a grocery shopper. On one hand, you literally can’t assume because any number of things can change from store to store. Did the shelf packer display the product right? Were we on a store promotion? Was the product expired or even put out on the shelf? There are factors you can’t even begin to model there. Or even if your brand runs a Superbowl commercial and you run the ads based on zip codes and see a 20% lift – even then, you’re just guessing, right? There can be a legitimately limitless amount of stuff that influences retail success that I don’t even think it’s worth it. But the short answer is you can’t make any assumptions because they’re all wrong.

Q: So what you’re saying is that, in regards to retail, there are so many factors that you can’t possibly have a sustainable direct attribution model.

Tiffin: Exactly. With DTC you control every part of it, you can control what percent of traffic goes where, what percentage of the population that lands on your site will see this page, and more because you’re essentially the traffic director. You’re in control. But with retail, you just hope and cross your fingers. There’s some directional stuff, but beyond that, you’re just taking a guess.

Q: Where does Aisle step in to solve that attribution problem, then?

Tiffin: Verified purchase. We say hey, take a picture of your receipt and send it to us and get cashback. That’s proof that a person saw an ad, scanned a QR code, or clicked a widget on your website, put in their phone number, and now we know 1:1 where a shopper came from, right down to the ad placement. So the short answer is that instant verification from the rebate gives us the proof to 100% tell you where a customer came from.

When Meta provides incrementality lifts, I think that’s kind of like hocus pocus. For us, at any time we can export their transactions, which shows you the customer ID, when they converted, and what store they purchased at down to the zip code. So when brands overlay Aisle’s transactional data with store-level sales data like IRI, SPINS, or Nielsen, the connection is incredibly clear. There were no assumptions or hypotheses. Is it this person, yes or no? Is that data reflected in the units per store per week scan data?

Q: If a subscriber cancels their DTC orders but starts buying at retail, do you view that as a good, bad, or neutral thing?

Tiffin: I always like to put myself in the brand operator’s perspective. I’m going to say this is Tiffin coming from Super Coffee, not Tiffin from Aisle. I think Tiffin from Super Coffee doesn’t care, because at the end of the day, going back to units per store per week, that person might say I don’t need my subscription anymore but now is picking up a bottle a day at their local store. At the end of the day, revenue is comprised of wholesale, retail, DTC, etc. It doesn’t matter as long as that person continues to buy.

I also don’t believe in this whole death of DTC thing. DTC will still be here, people will still shop on Amazon. Shoppers are gonna want to buy where they want to buy. It’s just more convenient.

And customers like Karen in Wisconsin will probably have a higher lifetime value. She’ll be buying it every single day. People on average go to three to four different grocery stores whether per week, or per month, what people like is variety, but it’s still a habit. You want that person buying in-store because they’re gonna buy from you every single day. Right? Like me with some energy drinks that I love, all my energy drink brands, I drink them all the time, and I’m not buying them online, you know.

So there are a lot of brands that are running pop-ups that are like “Do you want $20 off online, or do you want a BOGO in-store?” They’re allowing users to pick.

Q: How can DTC brands use a solution like Aisle to keep subscribers retained or maximize the value of their digital subscription program without inadvertently losing them to retail?

Tiffin: I believe there’s a better chance of a customer going from DTC to in-store, I’m not sold on in-store to online yet. Right now it’s a one-way attribution channel. People will go from DTC to in-store but people in-store like in-store, they’re not going to DTC. We’ve had some brands give some crazy offers online, like 50% off, an amazing deal, and nobody takes it – because nobody needs four things of toothpaste. But to answer your question, we surprise and delight. Aisle can be placed right in their subscription portal and brands can offer a BOGO deal as a loyalty perk retention play.

The second thing is knowing that churn is going to be inevitable, so instead of waiting for them to churn, let’s give them another option and also track attribution. Let’s say someone is going to cancel because they have too much coffee, you don’t wanna offer them 15% off – they’re literally telling you that they have too much. Instead, let’s say hey, sorry about that, thanks so much for letting us know. Here’s a free bottle of coffee you can redeem in-store. Now, at least if the customer churns online, it’s because they wanted to buy in-store, and we know that because they converted on a surprise and delight offer


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Blog/Analyzing Subscription Program Data for 2024: Guiding Questions for Your Team

Analyzing Subscription Program Data for 2024: Guiding Questions for Your Team

To state it simply, the world of ecomm gets more competitive every year. New brands are hitting the market and quickly edging out competition, the cost of goods and services are rising, and the cost to acquire new customers isn’t getting any cheaper, either. Case in point: TikTok Shop announced they’re hiking their seller fees up to 8% per order.  

If you’re reading this article, you probably are already the type of person who’s invested in optimizing your subscription program to maximize revenue. But if you’ve been waiting for the right time to come around…it’s time. Here comes our cold, hard truth pep-talk. 

Subscriber acquisition, retention, and churn reduction must be optimized like any other lever of your business. If you aren’t giving yourself (or your team) the time to meaningfully improve things like your customer experience and retention marketing efforts, you are undoubtedly losing potential revenue. 

How do we know? Data.

In 2023:

OLIPOP saved over over 4,000 customers from canceling their subscriptions using strategically-designed dynamic cancellation flows with Stay Ai’s RetentionEngine.

Obvi scaled their recurring subscription revenue over 300% by better acquiring sticky subscribers, implementing preventative churn-reduction promotions, and further investing in their retention marketing efforts.

A Pup Above generated 140%+ in add on revenue from meaningfully marketing to their existing subscriber base, in addition to offering a purchase-optimized customer portal experience.

And before you can move forward into optimizing your subscription program, it’s critical to tackle a review of its current state.

So let’s dig into the numbers. Here are some of our favorite guiding questions to ask when analyzing your subscription program’s performance. We’ve chunked them out by the four core stages of the subscriber journey: acquisition, lifecycle, churn, and re-engagement (AKA winbacks). 

Stage 1: Subscription Acquisition

1) Did you test running subscription-specific versus standard ad campaigns? Segment the cohort of subscribers acquired through each method. Which cohort has the highest retention rates? Which cohort is spending the most money with your brand?

2) Did you test running subscription-specific landing pages, or did you first introduce your subscription offerings with PDP buy boxes? Segment the cohort of subscribers acquired through each method. Which cohort is the stickiest? Which cohort has the highest LTV/AOV?

3) Review the performance of any and all campaigns that nudged one-time-purchasers to upgrade to subscription. Look for commonalities to identify what led to the highest CVR. Then check out how those upgraded buyers are doing. Are they sticky?

Stage 2: Subscriber Lifecycle

1) Review your subscriber-targeted upsell & cross-sell efforts in 2023. When did you see spikes in add-on revenue or existing subscriber recurring revenue growth? Which campaigns or optimizations led to these wins?

2) Segment out your highest AOV/LTV and longest-retained subscriber cohorts. Which products are these customers buying? Are they regularly swapping things in and out, or are they committed to a few SKUs?

3) If you ran multiple existing-subscriber promotional campaigns – discounts, free GWP, etc – look for trends across your top performers. What types of subscribers responded best to these campaigns? Which promotional offers did they prefer? Is there a relationship between X type of promotional offer and delivery at Y timing in the customer journey

4) What actions were customers taking most in your customer portal? Did you have high skip/pause rates? How can you incentivize subscribers to make those transactions instead of skipping them

5) Review your subscriptions by subscription timing data. Did a significant amount of subscribers adjust their subscription timing during the lifecycle? How could you use this data to refine your acquisition offerings, or better educate existing subscribers on regular product usage?

Stage 3: Subscriber Churn

1) When in the customer journey are customers churning? After how many orders, months, or $ spent? Review data not only by timing, but also selected cancellation reason. How can you proactively intervene to prevent this churn? 

2) Were there specific days, weeks, or months where you saw notably high churn rates? What might have triggered that trend? 

3) Which of your products are associated with the highest rate of customer churn? 

4) Dig into churn by acquisition cohort, then map back to the acquisition efforts you ran that month. Which campaigns, channels, or pages seem correlated to high-churn cohorts?

5) What were your top 2-3 most frequently reported cancellation reasons in 2023? What tools or strategies can you leverage to directly address these subscriber concerns?

Stage 4: Winbacks & Re-Acquisition

1) Review your winback data. Which channels were most effective for re-acquiring churned subscribers?

2) Drill down into successful winbacks based on customer type. Segment based on purchase history, time on subscription, reported cancellation reason, etc. Which types of winbacks were most effective for these customer cohorts?

3) Review winbacks by month. Were there specific times last year that customers acted on winback offers? Why might that be the case?

4) Review time between cancellation and winback. Did you test sending winback offers based on specific triggers, or a variation of dates after cancellation? Where are the trends in conversion?

Find Out More About How Stay Ai Can Help You Make More Subscription Revenue in 2024

Stay Ai is more than just a subscription app — it’s a powerful revenue generation and retention marketing tool. AI-powered features enable you to effortlessly turn your subscription program into an optimized performance channel, so you can spend your workdays focusing on the the big decisions that AI can’t make for you.

At the end of the day, Stay is designed to make you more money, while ensuring that your customers have an unparalleled subscription experience along the way.


Ready to see how AI can scale your subscription revenue?

Blog/13 Examples: High-Converting Subscription Welcome Offers

13 Examples: High-Converting Subscription Welcome Offers

13 Ideas for Subscriber Welcome Offers from 2023’s Top DTC Brands

Welcome offers are one of several ways you can consider to entice new customers to subscribe. Stay Ai merchants have mastered the art, deploying a range of innovative welcome offers to incentivize new subscribers. Let’s delve into some of the most effective strategies employed by these brands.

1. Calming Co.

Calming Co., a wellness brand specializing in kava-based relaxation tonics, offers a super practical gift to new subscribers: a complimentary shaker bottle. Not only are new customers excited about the added bonus in their order, but they’re given a functional piece of merch that further enables regular product usage.

2. Buoy

Hydration brand Buoy greets prospective subscribers with a dual approach. They offer a 23% discount on subscriptions for those who sign up for their newsletter, coupled with a complimentary welcome kit filled with resources and tools for effective hydration.

3. Roma Designer Jewelry

Roma Designer Jewelry’s monthly jewelry subscription service delights new subscribers with an even deeper discount on their first month of subscription orders – 30% off – layering on an additional incentive to subscribe.

4. Feel Goods

Feel Goods gifts a free wisk to new subscribers when they sign up for a 30 or 60-pack subscription. This offer not only encourages shoppers to invest in a higher-volume bulk purchase, but also provides them with a useful tool for using Feel Goods’ products effectively.

5. For Wellness

For Wellness’ supercharged supplement coffee subscription welcomes new customers with a complimentary canister and scoop, branded tools for enjoying their subscription offerings.

6. L’Evate You

L’Evate You’s greens subscription gifts new subscribers with a free shaker bottle, designed to enable regular and effective product usage.

7. Portland Pet Food Company

Portland Pet Food Company’s pet food delivery service entices new subscribers with an extra discount on their first order, making it more affordable to try their products. This offer encourages trial and incentivizes potential subscribers to make the switch to Portland Pet Food.

8. Arterra Pet

Arterra Pet leverages pop-up offers to capture subscriber attention. By offering a 10% discount on the first subscription order for those who sign up for their email list, Arterra Pet effectively gathers leads and encourages potential subscribers to explore their offerings.

9. Mint and Lilly

Mint & Lily’s monthly jewelry subscription service delights new subscribers with a gift – a free piece of jewelry with their first month’s subscription order! All new subscribers that enroll in December of 2023 will be gifted a Herringbone Chain necklace, their featured freebie of the month.


Skincare brand 2BETRUE new subscriber offer is more of a teaser than a direct offer! They captivate prospective new subscribers by metnioning a surprise free gift with the second month’s subscription order – a product worth at least $30, if not more.

11. Proxies

Alcohol-free wine brand Proxies sends new Wine Club subscription members a free, limited edition champagne stopper “to ensure your sparkling Proxies stay bubbly and delicious”.

12. Clevr

Superfood latte brand Clevr sends new subscribers a free SuperLatte scoop with each new subscription order – another example of a merch item that enables regular product usage!

13. Feals

Feals, a CBD brand, offers a super unique new subscriber offer – a 1:1 consultation with a expert to help guide customers on determining the right CBD dosage.

Wrapping Up

These examples illustrate the diverse ways subscription brands can use welcome offers to drive subscriber acquisition. Each brand’s approach not only demonstrates a deep understanding of their target audience but also lays the foundation for building long-term brand loyalty. Welcome offers are more than just initial perks — they’re strategic tools in cultivating a lasting subscriber base.


Supercharge Your Subscription & Retention Strategy with Stay AI

Blog/9 High-Converting Subscription Buy Box Examples from 2023’s Top DTC Brands

9 High-Converting Subscription Buy Box Examples from 2023’s Top DTC Brands

How Stay Ai’s Flexible Buy Boxes Turn Your Shoppers into Long-Time Subscribers

For brands that live and die by customer loyalty, subscriptions hold a key to unlocking a stream of recurring revenue. But the million-dollar question — quite literally! — is: “How can I transform a casual shopper into a subscriber?”

Cue the buy box on your product pages — that’s where you can expose customers to your subscription program’s value at a glance, encouraging them to opt for recurring orders over a one-time purchase. At Stay Ai, we’ve got years of experience optimizing ecommerce sites for maximizing conversions, seamlessly funnelling shoppers through to checkout.

So, let’s look at some of our team’s best practices for crafting high-converting buy boxes, check out some of the best examples from Stay Ai merchant brands, and dig in to the design, functionality, and offer messaging that turns a browser into a loyal brand advocate.

Best Practices for a Stunning, High-Converting Subscription Buy Box

Before we explore specific examples of top-performing subscription buy boxes from ecommerce brands, let’s tackle a quick rundown of proven buy box best practices.

1. Default to the subscribe-and-save option.

The default option a new customer experiences on their first visit to your PDP has strong influence on the buyer’s decision making. To state it simply, shoppers tend to prefer the default option because it requires less cognitive effort. Even though you’re the seller that’s making the recommendation, customers love being guided towards the “best deal”, what’s “recommended”, or what’s “most popular”. Defaulting to a subscription purchase – when paired with highlighted subscription benefits, like a discount – makes customers consider why they wouldn’t act on snagging a better deal.

2. Incentivize subscription purchases with side-by-side comparison pricing.

Be sure to highlight the savings a customer will receive with ordering their product as a subscription, rather than a one-time purchase. Typically, we see that the highest-converting buy boxes feature some sort of pricing strike-through to reinforce the discounted pricing of the subscription offering. We also recommend A/B testing information on your PDP and subscription landing page to determine if your customers are more likely to convert when offered a % off discount, a $ off discount, or just comparitive pricing. No matter how you slice it, highlighting the savings a customer will recieve with a subscription order is a critical way to emphasize the long-term value and cost effectiveness of a subscription purchase.

3. Highlight the most popular delivery cadence.

Similarly to point #1, customers respond well to recommendations and direction, as it enables them to feel confident in their purchasing decisions. This is especially effective for first time buyers, who may not have an idea of their future product usage yet. Guide customers to the frequency option that you’ve seen result in the highest retention rate from other subscribers, and you’re no only more likely to make the sale – you’re more likely to keep that customer subscribed for the long haul.

4. Showcase your subscription program’s unique benefits.

Beyond your subscribe-and-save discount, make use of the real estate on your buy box to call out the exclusive benefits subscribers receive, such as early access to new products, lifetime free shipping, or surprise free loyalty gifts. This further woos new customers by emphasizing that in addition to a sweet discount, they get other perks too! If you’re looking to freshen up your program’s perks, check out this article with 15 unique ideas for subscription program benefits.

PS: If you’re working on optimizing your subscription website, check out this article highlighting the best practices for creating subscription PDPs, straight from the experts!

Stay Ai Showcase: 9 Top-Notch Buy Box Examples from Leading Subscription Brands

First Day’s unique design nudges shoppers toward savings

Multivitamin brand First Day has truly raised the bar with their buy box design. With its sleek, tab-based layout that defaults to subscribe-and-save, it gently nudges shoppers toward the subscription option by highlighting cost and other benefits. Eye-catching? Check. User-friendly? Check. It’s built to make understanding the perks of subscription as easy as popping your daily vitamin.

Truvani takes an elevated approach to on-site subscriber acquisition

Personal care brand Truvani takes an unconventional approach to PDPs by crafting them like conversion-optimized landing pages. With intuitive radio buttons, it’s easy for customers to toggle between subscribe-and-save (the star of the show) and OTP so they can find the right option for them. The cherry on top is the “See all benefits” button, which puts customers right in the midst of subscription value messaging. All in all, it’s a stellar example of user-centric, subscription-forward design.

Dose maximizes impact with a minimalist design and program precision

A brand renowned for its minimalist yet compelling approach, Dose extends that ethos to their buy box design while highlighting subscription savings and customer flexibility. And when it comes to delivery cadence, Dose is precise, with a schedule optimized based on customer usage data. In short, Dose is a poster child for how clean design, crystal-clear messaging, and a customer-first approach can woo subscribers and make them fall head over heels.

Copper Cow Coffee brings shoppers an intuitive, optimized experience

Copper Cow Coffee serves up a subscription brew experience as smooth as their coffee. Front and center in their buy box, the Sub & Save option takes the spotlight, making it the first thing customers see. And if customers want to pick up the delivery beat? Easy-peasy with their convenient drop-down menu. Finally, they emphasize subscription value props, sweetening the deal with things like free samples to entice shoppers to commit.

Feel Goods incentivizes subscription with more savings and more flexibility

Supplement brand Feel Goods’ buy box really shines with an ascending savings structure — the more you grab, the more you save — to highlight the cost benefits of larger quantities. Shipment flexibility is built right into the drop-down menu, allowing customers to set their own subscription rhythm. Plus, we love how the brand weaves in subscription value props, with a free first-order gift offer limited to higher quantity subscription orders. 

Happy Viking delivers a buy box that makes shopping more fun

Happy Viking’s protein powder buy boxes are one touchpoint in a subscription experience that’s as rich and rewarding as their flavors. They drop shoppers right into a bundle builder, inviting them to mix, match, and subscribe in one fell swoop. Plus, this gamified page makes it even more tempting for customers to stock up as they see their order getting closer to the free shipping threshold. And when it comes to price? It’s even easier for shoppers to understand how much a subscription will save them, with “per meal” cost comparisons.

Sweetkick speaks their shoppers’ language with health & value messaging

Sweetkick really gets their sugar-conscious crowd. Their buy box speaks directly to the health-savvy, spotlighting the must-knows like protein and fiber right upfront. It’s not just design, it’s their mission in action, ensuring customers seeking healthier alternatives are well informed from the start. Bulk buying gets a sweet twist here, with ascending savings so the more they buy, the more they save. And the brand smartly reinforces their subscription value props right underneath the product photos, so customers are consistently reminded why they should subscribe. 

Graza’s buy box encourages bulk buying for extra savings

Graza, A.K.A. DTC’s favorite olive oil brand, is serving a buy box that’s as smart as their internet-loved squeezable bottles. With a subtle nudge toward quantity, the brand’s arranged their quantity options to make bulk buys look extra tempting — marrying free shipping with sweet savings. And for customers, selecting their desired delivery cadence is a breeze. The drop-down delivery frequency menu puts options right at their fingertips so they can tailor their delivery schedule to their unique needs.

Calming Co makes subscription a sweeter deal with a free first-order gift

Wellness brand Calming Co. has a buy box designed to spotlight subscription savings. Instead of sticking to price strike-outs for overall orders, they include a “per stick pack” breakdown for a clearer way to compare across options. Front and center, they flaunt the perks, like the freedom to “cancel anytime” and “invest in your long-term health & well-being.” Finally, a gift on first-time subscription orders incentivizes the leap to subscription while adding overall value.

Wrapping Up

If subscription is a driving factor in building relationships with your customers, the importance of a well-crafted buy box cannot be overstated. 

Stay Ai’s subscribe-and-save buy boxes are the VIPs of the ecommerce world. They’re not just boxes — they’re canvases for creative functionality, blending standout designs, slick experiences, and the kind of offer messaging that makes subscribers click ‘yes’ in a heartbeat. 


Supercharge Your Subscription & Retention Strategy with Stay AI

Blog/How to Effectively Leverage Portal Banners for Sales Promotions

How to Effectively Leverage Portal Banners for Sales Promotions

We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again. So many brands miss out on untapped revenue from the most valuable shoppers in their network – their customers. For brands that run subscription programs, your subscribers are truly your VIP customers. But time after time, we see DTC brands so deeply focused on acquisition during sales and promotion periods, that they forget about maximizing revenue from those VIPs.

That’s where Customer Portal Banner Ads come in to the conversation.

Implementing a customer portal banner ad is one of the most effective strategies for getting promotional messaging in front of your subscribers, and nudging subscriber behavior to drive AOV.

During your brand’s – or the market’s biggest sales periods, presenting subscribers with an optimized customer portal experience can drive major profit gains.

Ready to make some money while making your subscribers feel special? Let’s dig in to the best strategies for leveraging customer portal banners during promotional periods. 

What is a Customer Portal Banner Ad?

A banner ad is an uploaded graphic that displays within the customer portal. With Stay Ai’s customer portal, you’re able to drag and drop portal components wherever you like – meaning you can place this ad at the very top of your subscription management page, or further down as subscribers scroll.

Stay’s banner ad displays at a 16:9 ratio on desktop, and a 4:5 ratio on mobile, meaning this is ample space to design a graphic that highlights a sale you’re running, exclusive subscriber discounts, or promotional offers currently available for customers.

Additionally, Stay Ai’s banner ad is transactional, meaning that when customers click on the banner ad, they can directly add a featured product to their upcoming order. Within the merchant portal, you’re able to select which product you’d like linked to your banner ad, and if you’d like to offer it as a one-time purchase or a recurring subscription item.

Ultimately, banner ads provide you the space to highlight the promotion of your choice, while enabling subscribers to make a purchase within just two clicks. Check out the example from Lifeboost Coffee below.

How to Use Customer Portal Banner Ads During a Sale

Banner Ads offer a great opportunity to highlight limited-time offers, seasonal promotions, or holiday sales.

PS: If you’re new to banner ads and looking to learn more about different use cases for implementation, you can check out this article we wrote a few months ago.

Subscriber-Exclusive Sales

Reward your most valuable customers with early access to promotions before they hit general public. Using the banner ad, feature the products with applicable promotional offers, and make sure to link the most popular product to enable that two-click purchase. Then, optimize your upsell carousel to feature all of the products with a special discount, so subscribers can quickly add those to their upcoming order.

Example: Clean Skin Club

Clean Skin Club ran an awesome subscriber promotion for BFCM 2023, offering their most loyal customers early access to incredible discounts. Each discounted product featured in the banner ad is accessible for one-click add-on via the upsell carousel.

VIP Loyalty Discounts

During major market-wide promotional periods (like BFCM or the holidays), your customers are likely browsing offers across multiple brands. In order to keep them in your corner, it’s up to you to surface the most captivating deal. In combination with your email & SMS flows, get in front of subscribers’ wandering eyes with an exclusive subscriber-only loyalty discount. Not only will this result in more cash in your pocket, but will also incentivize subscribers to stay retained, rather than churning for one of your competitors.

We recommend generating a subscriber-only discount code and featuring it prominently in a unique, visually compelling banner ad. From there, subscribers can quickly enter that code into the discount field within their portal.

Example: Vita Coco

Vita Coco leveraged their customer portal banner to offer a subscriber-exclusive discount on customers’ upcoming orders during BFCM.

Example: UCAN

UCAN offered subscribers 30% off their next order during the entire month of November – an even juicier discount than the 25% listed on their website.

Example: OLIPOP

OLIPOP is using their customer portal banner in Q4 2023 to celebrate subscribers with a thank you discount! Subscribers can input a discount code in the customer portal to get 30% off their upcoming order.

In case you missed it, we recently dropped an article on unique subscription program benefits for boosting subscriber acquisition – and this banner ad strategy is where one of our favorites come into play! If you’ve got a specific product that you’re trying to sell more of, sell out of, or want to promote a limited-time SKU to see if it has evergreen potential, that’s a great time to engage your subscribers. Promote that product at a discount in your customer portal banner ad, so subscribers can add it on to their orders in just a few clicks.

Example: MYSA Natural Wine

Around the Thanksgiving holiday, MYSA offered subscribers a bundle-and-save exclusive. This banner ad featuring their most popular wines that pair well with Thanksgiving dinner, and presents a subscriber-only discount that they can add to their upcoming order.

Free Gift Offers

If you don’t want to provide additional or deeper discounts to subscribers during promo periods, we highly recommend offering a free gift with purchase instead. With this strategy, you can delight your subscribers with a little something to show your appreciation, and enhance their brand loyalty. Implementing this tactic during sales seasons will strengthen your connection with your subscribers and foster a sense of community, reinforcing their positive perception of your brand.

Example: Manukora

In November of 2023, Manukora is gifted their subscribers an automatically-applied free gift to celebrate the holiday season. All orders that fired in November automatically included the gift. Their banner ad encouraged subscribers that didn’t have a subscription order set to fire in November to change their delivery cadence, so they could cash in on the free gift!

Example: Truvani

During BFCM of 2023, Truvani ran an awesome Black Friday promotion that included a free shaker bottle with each new order. For existing subscribers, no purchase was necessary – they could add on a free shaker bottle to their upcoming order using the customer portal banner ad.

Wrapping It Up: Using Customer Portal Banner Ads for Sales

Banner ads in the customer portal are a powerful tool for engaging subscribers and scaling your subscription revenue. Combining the right offers and the right messaging can help you effectively drive average order value and loyalty among your most valuable customers. Additionally, the portal provides a unique opportunity to cultivate a sense of exclusivity and appreciation among subscribers, further strengthening their connection to the brand. 

Ready to take something live? We love checking out your banner creative. When you whip up something awesome, be sure to send it our way! You can always tag us on social @GetStayAi.

Want to customize your subscriber portal, but don’t feel like spending thousands on development resources? We’ve got your back. Stay Ai’s no-code customer portal allows you to fully customize the subscriber experience, as well as take advantage of AOV-boosting features right out of the box.

Supercharge Your Subscription & Retention Strategy with Stay AI

Blog/How to Drive More Revenue with RetentionEngine: A How-To Guide

How to Drive More Revenue with RetentionEngine: A How-To Guide

Understanding why customers cancel, delivering personalized rebuttals to retain them, and building a feedback loop for data-driven decisions are all critical components of a successful retention strategy — and your bottom line.

That’s why a tool like Stay Ai’s RetentionEngine is so valuable to your subscription program. Many brands that have thoughtfully implemented RetentionEngine cancellation surveys have saved six figures in revenue (or more) in a year.

In this post, we’ll explore how RetentionEngine makes all these things not just possible, but simple — and show you how a few brands have made it work for them.

The Benefits of RetentionEngine

1) RetentionEngine helps you understand why your customers are canceling.
To clean up the holes in your subscription program, you have to know why your customers are canceling, and how those reasons are trending over time. That’s where the cancellation survey comes in.

Knowing why your customers churn enables data-driven improvements to rebuttal and winback tactics. Plus, the information from those surveys can indicate potential issues elsewhere in your business. For example, if a specific product consistently leads to high churn rates, it may point to a manufacturing or product quality issue that needs addressing.

2) RetentionEngine delivers personalized rebuttals to keep customers subscribed.
There’s a not-insignificant amount of subscribers who will abandon their cancellation attempt for the right response or offer. Using RetentionEngine, you can manually set up any number of cancellation rebuttals and tie them to specific cancellation survey responses.

Or you can use the full AI power to optimize your rebuttal flows. RetentionEngine uses machine learning to analyze the complete customer profile — spending habits, preferences, and comparable customer journeys — to craft and deliver the rebuttal that resonates.

Want more on building cancel surveys and flows? Check out this blog article on cancellation surveys and cancellation flows.

Pro Tip: Cancellation reasons are also passed back into Klaviyo, so you can craft tailored winback messages further beyond a subscriber’s successful cancellation to tempt them to reactivate.

3) Implementing RetentionEngine builds the feedback loop necessary to make data-driven retention decisions.

As you run with RetentionEngine for a while, you’ll get enough data where you can really start optimizing every piece of your retention puzzle

Watching cancellation reasons and save tactic success evolve as your business grows can give you incredible insight into your subscribers at the highest risk of churn, and help you evolve your subscription program and your business at large to keep up with customer trends and behaviors

And beyond that, Stay’s ExperienceEngine leverages all that RetentionEngine data so you can pinpoint your churn risks and target them with promotions before they even start to cancel.

How Lifeboost’s Optimized Cancellation Flow Saves Almost 30% of Subscribers

Lifeboost’s total 2023 subscription save rate, using RetentionEngine.
Lifeboost’s 2023 monthly recurring revenue save rate,

When Lifeboost switched from Recharge to Stay Ai, they increased their add-on revenue by 120% in 90 days — an incredible boom for their bottom line.

But the growth in add-on revenue wasn’t their only win — not by a long shot.

Lifeboost has taken every opportunity to optimize their RetentionEngine setup. Ultimately, year-to-date in 2023 the brand has an eye-popping 29.6% save rate, and an MRR save rate of 24.2%.

Let’s unpack their strategy a bit further.

The Cancellation Survey
You can tell Lifeboost has optimized their cancel survey just for their brand and subscribers. Subscribers can choose from specific, distinct cancel options, so the brand can really understand what’s driving the cancel.

We also love the way they’ve included “Swap your roast” as a shortcut, in response to noticing that’s really what many subscribers wanted in the end — and this makes it easier for them to do so.

Read Lifeboost’s Full Stay Ai Case Study

Rebuttal Treatments
Lifeboost has created an assortment of treatments, like discounts, pauses, and ‘contact customer support,’ that respond directly to the subscriber pains on the survey. And they don’t waste the blank space on the rebuttal — they’re using brand-building images all the way through.One takeaway for them is the efficacy of their GIF rebuttal nudging subscribers toward support, where they can have more of their concerns directly addressed. 

How OLIPOP Saves 24% of Subscribers With Vibrant, Compelling Rebuttals

OLIPOP’s total 2023 subscription save rate, using RetentionEngine.
OLIPOP’s 2023 monthly recurring revenue save rate, using RetentionEngine.

After leaving Recharge for Stay Ai, OLIPOP was able to grow their subscription revenue by 35% and reduce active churn by 26%.

While Stay’s product add-on functionality and ExperienceEngine promotions played a big role in that success, their experience with RetentionEngine has been nothing short of spectacular. In the first half of 2023, OLIPOP had a 23.7% save rate, and an MRR save rate of 14.7%.

Here’s how they made it happen.

Cancellation Survey
Just like with Lifeboost, OLIPOP’s cancellation survey shows how thoughtful the brand has been in understanding their subscribers and their pain points up to now. When subscribers answer these questions, they’re offering personal data. But in aggregate, that response data will help them optimize their entire business — not just the retention flow.

OLIPOP’s cancellation survey options are strategically developed for both saving subscribers and collecting actionable insights:

Customers looking to make a change to their subscription (ie: I want a different flavor) are nudged towards to modifications over cancellation, and for those who do truly intend to cancel (ie: I no longer drink OLIPOP), cancellation intent is also collected.

Rebuttal Treatments
One of the reasons OLIPOP has been so successful in retaining subscribers is their super well thought out cancellation flows.

On-brand rebuttals use graphics that would make anyone thirsty, and add solid discount offers to entice subscribers to stay. They also frequently refer back to their brand mission to “share the benefits of our fizzy, functional pop with as many people as we can,” which helps qualify the discount and remind subscribers why they signed up in the first place.

Want more RetentionEngine inspo? We’ve got you covered! Check out this blog post with cancellation survey and rebuttal treatment examples. If you’re a current Stay Ai customer and need assistance with setting up or optimizing your RetentionEngine, just shoot your CSM a note – we’re happy to help!


Supercharge Your Subscription & Retention Strategy with Stay AI

Blog/The AI Behind Stay: Unlocking Peak Subscription Performance

The AI Behind Stay: Unlocking Peak Subscription Performance

Consumer behavior and trends change at lightning speed, so being able to make data-driven decisions isn’t just a nice to have — it’s critical. This is where AI sheds its hype and steps up as your secret weapon.

Our proprietary AI is a game changer, enabling you to understand and predict subscriber behavior to reduce churn, increase AOV, and ultimately improve your bottom line. And we’ve been refining these models for years, putting us way ahead of the rest of the market.

This article explores how Stay’s AI-powered features work, then digs in to how you can leverage that AI across the platform to increase customer LTV. Let’s get started!

Stay’s Proprietary AI

Stay Ai uses a variety of reinforcement learning and predictive models to predict business outcomes and improve performance at a rate of 20-30% higher than human settings alone. Here’s how we do it:

Reinforcement Learning
Our brand-specific and aggregate models aren’t just sophisticated — they’re seasoned. Think of reinforcement learning like a really experienced coach tailored just for your brand, with training on billions of data points over 3+ years.

Supervised and Unsupervised Learning
Using a combination of regression, forecasting, and clustering techniques, our learning models take in a ton of data and give you clear, useful insights so you can make more strategic decisions.

What Stay AI’s Power Means for You

We leverage AI in a few different places across Stay, unlocking several opportunities to scale your subscribers’ lifetime value (and your bottom line):

1) Increasing subscriber save rate after they click the cancel button
2) Illuminating subscribers at risk of churn, for proactive intervention
3) Boosting subscribers’ average order value with add-on products

1) Increasing Customer Save Rate

When a subscriber clicks the cancel button, Stay’s AI will help you deploy the perfect counter-offer.

Our machine learning-powered RetentionEngine analyzes the complete customer profile — spending habits, preferences, and comparable customer journeys — to craft and deliver a personalized rebuttal that resonates.

Check out some example rebuttals from Kettle & Fire.

The result? A save rate soaring beyond the old-school man-made cancellation rebuttals, typically reducing churn by 30% in just 90 days.

2) Proactively Decreasing Churn

Stay Ai identifies subscribers with the highest risk of churning, so you can work proactively to keep them engaged.

Leveraging insights from our RetentionEngine, we can pinpoint high-risk subscribers before they hit the cancel button, offering you a proactive shield against churn.

Our predictive analytics scrutinize patterns so you can use our ExperienceEngine promotions builder to intervene before subscribers ever hit cancel, offering targeted incentives to reignite engagement. 

3) Increasing Average Order Value

If you want to deliver the most effective add-on promotions to increase your AOV, you don’t have to guess at what will work. Stay’s AI solutions are designed to serve and test different offers for you.

Our predictive analytics considers a huge pool of data points to identify and target the most receptive customer segments with the most compelling offers. Split-test up to four different offers with ExperienceEngine, and Stay will zero in on what’s most effective and personalize upsells for maximum AOV.

You can also present exclusive promotional offers to subscribers identified as churn risk, incentivizing them to stick on subscription before they even get to your cancellation flow.

Stay Ai is more than a subscription app — it’s a powerful revenue generation and retention marketing tool. AI-powered features enable you to effortlessly turn your subscription program into an optimized performance channel, so you can spend your workdays focusing on the the big decisions that AI can’t make for you.

At the end of the day, Stay is designed to make you more money, while ensuring that your customers have an unparalleled subscription experience along the way.

Supercharge Your Subscription & Retention Strategy with Stay AI

Blog/Introducing Stay AI’s New Churn Reporting Dashboard

Introducing Stay AI’s New Churn Reporting Dashboard

Understanding and mitigating your churn is essential for sustaining growth and long-term success. That’s why we made our new churn dashboard, where you can easily monitor and analyze your subscriber churn all in one place.

This powerful tool puts your most essential data and metrics in a single location, so you can take control of your churn rates and unlock actionable insights. Get a comprehensive, bird’s-eye view of your churn, or deep-dive into critical trends over time.

Let’s walk through the features and functionality of our Churn Reporting dashboard so you can hit the ground running.

1. Cohort Comparison Graph

The first of its kind in the subscription space, this graph enables a high level view of churn based on more than 15 metrics. To dig deeper into specific questions, you can also build comparison views to put two of those 15+ metrics up against each other.

First, a couple foundational notes about how to use it: 

1. Metrics are split out by monthly cohort; i.e., by the month the subscriber created their new subscription. So, as an example, every subscription started by a new subscriber in June 2023 would be a part of the June 2023 cohort.

2. At the top of the graph, “Applied Category” is your first selected metric. You can look at this metric alone, or you can choose another metric to compare it against by clicking “Compare Metric.” The Applied Category (left) metrics displays in pink, and the comparison metric on the right displays in purple.

Cohort Comparison Graph: Example Use Cases

Looking at just one metric in the cohort graph is pretty simple — and you can scroll down to see the list of churn metrics and their definitions at the bottom of this post. The comparison graphs go a little deeper, so you can see one metric right against the other.

What is the value of your average subscription order, and how is it trending? First, compare Order Growth Rate to Revenue Growth Rate. Is one increasing or decreasing faster than the other? For example, if Order Growth Rate is increasing much faster than Revenue Growth Rate, your subscription purchases are probably lowering in value. Understanding that means that you can now make a data-driven decision about what to do next, like run an upsell promotion via ExperienceEngine to drive up average order value.

How is retention rate trending, by revenue and by subscriber? Compare Revenue Retention to Subscriber Retention to see how each is headed directionally. If both are steadily decreasing, it might be time to offer a free gift promotion to increase monthly retention. On the other hand, if subscriber retention is increasing but revenue is decreasing, you know that each subscriber is spending less — so you could consider a discounted upsell campaign instead of a free gift, to increase that AOV.

2. Revenue and Order Retention Graph

This graph gives you an overview of revenue and order retention by monthly cohort so you can see how each is performing. 

You can toggle between Revenue and Subscription Retention, for if you want to see active subscriptions, and Revenue and Subscriber Retention, which will show you the number of active subscribers instead.

So, if you’re looking this graph, for example, you know that in the September cohort:
– 137 new subscribers were created
– 99 of those subscribers are still active at this time
– those 99 subscribers generated $48,605 of revenue this month

You can also sort within the graph to see which cohorts are performing best, and export data to campaign towards or reward the cohorts accordingly.

If you look at which cohorts are performing best, you can go back to your broader business analytics to see if there are specific things you did that month to draw in higher-value subscribers, like a certain promotion or ramp-up on a specific channel.

3. Churn by Order Graph

We’ve integrated our machine learning model with our drilled-down analytics to help you pinpoint the time of highest churn risk in your subscription program.

While most of the graphs we’ve looked at so far have been by monthly cohort, this one is broken out by order cycle.

Churn Risk is calculated by order cycle with the help of our ML model, considering factors like inconsistent ordering, order date changes, order skips, and more. Then, you can also see how churn risk fluctuates by cycle — in other words, is churn risk higher or lower on order cycle 4?

In this example, you can see the churn risk on cycle 4 does jump by over 6%. That could be a strategic spot to start testing freebies or promotions in advance of cycle 4 to decrease that 21% churn risk.

4. Churn Reporting Data

These analytics report on RetentionEngine metrics, so you can get a ton of at-a-glance information about your current retention position and how it’s trending over time:

Subscription Save Rate: What percentage of churning customers are saved by your follow-up cancel flows?

Estimated MRR Saved: How much estimated monthly recurring revenue did those saved customers help you retain?

Same Day Cancellation: How many customers subscribe for the discount, just to turn around and cancel the same day?

Exit Survey Performance: Why are subscribers churning, and how many were saved by a follow-up treatment?

SKU-Based Churn: Which products were churning customers subscribed to?
Outcome Breakdown: Which follow-up treatments saved the most subscribers, by cancel reason?

5. New & Churned Report

This has been a long-requested graph from our customers. This is a simple, by-day look at how many new subscriptions were started, and how many existing subscriptions churned — along with the email addresses associated with each.

Pro Tip: export and use the email information in this report to target specific customers based on the date of acquisition or churn.

6. Overall Cohort Performance Report

This graph will give you a high-level view of a set of five metrics across monthly cohorts. Whereas the Cohort Comparison graph is made to identify trends and dig into specific metrics, this overall performance graph gives you a bird’s eye view of LTV, Cumulative Revenue, LTO, and Cumulative Orders.

Pro Tip: Use this graph to get a quick glance understanding of the LTV of each month’s acquired subscribers, and then review the promotional messaging or ad creative running that month for optimization.

7. Forecasting by Order Report

Understanding when your orders will fire is critical for inventory tracking and financial planning. You can also segment this data by first, second, and third recurring order. Navigate month over month to upcoming dates, and export as needed.

Churn Metrics: Definition “Cheat Sheet”

  • First Subscription At: Refers to the month this cohort of customers started their first subscription.
  • New Subscribers: Customers who created their first subscription within the allocated time period.
  • New Subscription Revenue: Revenue generated from first-time subscriptions.
  • Months Since First Subscription Order: 0 indicates the month in which the customers’ first subscription was created. 1 indicates the first month since the customer’s first subscription was created, etc.
  • New Revenue: Total revenue generated by that cohort’s subscribers, as recorded by month since the first subscription order.
  • Revenue Retention: New revenue / 1st month revenue.
  • Revenue Per Subscriber: New revenue / number of subscribers.
  • Cumulative Revenue: Total revenue by cohort, recorded by month since the first subscription order.
  • Revenue Growth Rate: Cumulative revenue / 1st month cumulative revenue.
  • LTV: Cumulative revenue / number of subscribers, by cohort.
  • New Orders: Total order count, recorded by month since the first subscription order.
  • Order Retention: New orders / 1st month new orders.
  • Orders Per Subscriber: New orders / number of subscribers.
  • Cumulative Orders: Total order count by cohort, recorded by month since the first subscription order.
  • Order Growth Rate: Cumulative orders / 1st month number of orders.
  • LTO: (Lifetime orders) Cumulative orders / 1st month number of subscribers.
  • Subscribers with Orders: Total number of subscribers who placed an order that month.
  • Subscriber Retention: Total number of subscribers who placed orders / number of subscribers within the cohort who placed orders in month one.
  • Subscriptions Per Subscriber: Subscriptions with orders placed that month / number of subscribers in the cohort.

Wrapping Up

We built our churn dashboard to be accessible for both seasoned data analysts and business owners alike, so you can reshape your business strategy for long-term growth. If you’re not a Stay Ai customer yet and would like to hear more about how it works, you can book a demo here. And if you already use Stay Ai, feel free to reach out to your CSM with any questions you may have.

Looking to boost your subscription retention rate, or scale up your subscription program’s profit margins? Stay Ai’s out-of-the-box tools are designed to boost your subscription revenue, while delighting your VIP customers.


Just click Get Started below to chat with our team of subscription & retention experts.