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Bimble Chops Subscriber Churn by 35% & Delights Customers with Stay AI

Migrated from: Skio
Industry: Food & Beverage

Subscription Growth by the Numbers

Decrease in Subscriber Churn Within the Past 3 Months on Stay
Increase in Customer Portal Interactions within First 90 Days
Increase in Product Swaps within Past 3 Months on Stay

How Bimble Saves Time and Delivers Better CX with Stay AI’s No-Code Customer Portal


Bimble founders Jay Moskowitz and Janet Silverstein spent their fast-paced careers in NYC — Jay as a Wall Street trader, and Janet as an advertising producer — “And the only thing worse than the stress of those jobs, were the hangovers,” they write on their About Us page. After trading the hustle for beekeeping, Jay learned about CBD and “a lightbulb went off.” Their next adventure? Entrepreneurship — specifically, a CBD drink sweetened with real honey. “The idea of a non-impairing cocktail at the end of the day really spoke to me.” After a strong 2018 start in retail stores, they were forced by COVID-19 in 2020 to pivot to DTC, which led to subscriptions becoming strategically important.


Bimble’s first subscription provider didn’t make it easy on them. “The customer service was really bad, and it was tough for someone like me [a first-time entrepreneur new to DTC] to negotiate without some hand-holding.” But what really drove Jay to explore alternatives was the CX. After all, they have a small team: “There’s me. There’s Janet. Did I mention me?” The portal was difficult for customers to use; if they managed to log in, they were still unsure how to cancel their subscriptions or swap products, which led to high churn and way too much time spent on customer support.

“We tend to attract a slightly older demographic, and it didn’t seem like any of our customers were able to log into their own accounts. Every time someone had to do something on their subscription, we got an email.”
– Jay Moskowitz, Founder & CEO, Bimble

The Solution: Stay AI

After a brief stint with another subscription provider, Jay decided to give Stay a shot. “I’d been reading about Stay on Twitter a lot, and I’d spoken to Gina [Perrelli, Co-founder and CEO] once or twice.” The team was impressed with the hassle-free migration.


“As we slowly transitioned to becoming a DTC brand, offering subscriptions was something that was really important to us. There’s not a big company behind us, so obviously having tools that work well is really critical for us […] When we launched [with Stay Ai], I really played no part. I handed the keys over to Stay and they set up all the automations.”

Jay Moskowitz Founder & CEO, Bimble


Since moving over to Stay, Bimble has seen an impressive increase in customer portal engagements, as well as a 35% reduction in churn. Here are some of the strategies they leveraged to make it happen:

Keeping Customers Informed and Engaged with Email Notifications and an Intuitive Customer Portal: Making subscription customers as self-sufficient as possible was important for Bimble, since they have such a small team. With Stay, automated email notifications keep customers up-to-date with everything related to their subscriptions, from upcoming charges to out-of-stock notifications and payment failures. That, alongside an easy-to-use customer portal, has significantly decreased the time Jay and Janet spend on customer support.


Offering Customers More Flexible Subscription Options: With their previous subscription provider, Bimble was limited in their shipment frequency options. Today with Stay, they have more flexibility, even giving subscribers the option to only receive shipments every 8 weeks. “If someone wants to do every eight weeks basically because they just want the subscribe-and-save discount, that’s fine with me. I want to get cans in people’s hands. I just want people to try it,” Jay said.

Managing the Business with an Easy-to-Use Merchant Portal: Jay uses the merchant portal every day (“I keep it open at all times,” he said) for everything from customer support to performance analysis. When customers email him with issues, it’s easy for him to look up their accounts in the portal. And since their fulfillment is a highly manual process, he also likes that he can sort orders by ‘Next order’ to see what’s upcoming that week. Finally, the failed billing lists are important to their high-touch customer service.

“Sometimes, if I was expecting more subscriptions, I’ll go back in and look to see what might have happened — and I always check failed billing, which is usually the culprit. Then I might send a personalized email to that person and ask if they need any help.”
– Jay Moskowitz, Founder & CEO, Bimble


Supercharge Your Subscription & Retention Strategy with Stay AI