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All case studies Beauty & Personal Care Decrease Churn Flexible Bundles Food & Beverage Health & Wellness Home Goods Improve Customer Experience Increase AOV/LTV Pet Scale Subscription Revenue Vertical

A Pup Above Decreases Churn by 20% While Boosting Conversion Rate by 124%

Loverboy Sees 248% Increase in Subscription Add-on Revenue Following Seamless Migration

Legendary Foods Sees 160% Increase in First Time Subscription Revenue with Retentio & Stay AI

Vita Coco Reduces CAC 40% & Prevents Subscriber Churn During Black Friday Sales Event

VinoCheepo Sees 253% Increase in Recurring Subscription Revenue in 6 Months with SBG & Stay AI

Loverboy’s Intuitive Customer Portal Leads to a Major Boost in Subscription Add-on Revenue

Creating Flexible Loyalty Options for Merchants & Customers with Stay AI & Inveterate’s Integration

Lifeboost Retains 27% More Subscribers Using Smart Cancellation Flows

Lifeboost Reduces Churn By 35% Using Stay’s Proprietary Churn-Busting Features